Never Again [question for forumers who have quit Realm]


yeah @TylenolKid coincidence?


unproductive and still procrastinate on hw




stopped playing realm actively probably since the end of last August 'til up to now and I’m already considering taking another break lol. nothing much has changed, playing less games definitely helped me improve my art though. in the meantime, I didn’t completely forget about rotmg. I made fanart and doodles here and then and started my thread before I even considered playing again : P




Helps pass the time, and I don’t have many other games to play. But most of the play just results in waiting for Oryx or farming some STs which never drop


Perfectly on point. I never realized how much of an addiction this game became to me, and after spending some time away, I now play it occasionally.

Although now I’m kindof addicted to Hypixel’s Skyblock, which isn’t better than being addicted to RotMG. So bad example I guess.

Also spending much time on Sea of Thieves and a few roguelikes. Maybe too much time.


WaT’s uR uSeRnAmE


Lmao we should make a whole RE minecraft server so we can take stalking to another level


Oh that reminds me I need to find a christmas skin @InfamousX


My highest was 5.4k, I believe.
I’ve got all the cards, most of which I can’t be bothered to upgrade. My deck is 4 maxed cards, and the other 4 are level 12

Honestly though, I prefer Brawl Stars


also casual bump


I also play brawl stars, but I find most to all supercell games p2w so I don’t really life playing it. Im stuck at 7800 trophies.


How many brawlers do u have?


23? I think I have 23


I haven’t played for 2 months, and things are significantly better, but the downside is I no longer have an addiction to use to run away from real life stress, so I’m forced to face it. Ultimately its a good thing, but there’s a consequence too. It’s not that life is harder, but rather it just feels harder because theres no addiction to distract myself with. Also, you’ll find out who are genuine friends from this game when you quit, because those who were only your friend over the game will drift away, and the real friends will stay in touch. I have an urge to play now that I have time on Christmas break, but I will try to avoid falling back into it, its not healthy for me.


Hmm. With 23 you should be able to push up to 10k or so. Try to learn the best gamemode/maps for each brawler and grind that when it comes up.


I quit playing realm (and multi-player games in general) last March; I still play some games now but they’re all single-player; less addictive, less competitive, and less time investment.

I primarily quit to focus on studying for the MCAT. Games like realm were taking up too much time when I had an exam like that to deal with. I did well on the exam, but I’m going to have to take a gap year before medical school anyway because of how much time I spent in college on video games over extracurriculars.

I started playing the game when I was still in 8th grade, on 1/10/12. It was a completely different game back then… you were maxed out at 7/7 rather than 8/8. Ocean trenches and guilds weren’t a thing. I remember playing manor of the immortals and forbidden jungle on public testing. I usually get the urge to play once every few months and start playing again for a few days, but can’t get into it because it’s just not the same game that it used to be.

I made a few friends from the game, mostly on the old #rotmg IRC, but don’t keep in contact with any of them. I think that it’s for the best… I quit the game to focus on real life, not so I could talk to friends that I made because of the game.

I’m not sure if I regret starting, but I regret letting the game take up so much of my life. There really was nothing like that early period when Wild Shadow still owned the game, as cliche as that sounds, but there’s no going back to that now.

The Farewell Thread

That’s the same shit that I do.


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