Never have I ever (for real this time)


Never have I ever gotten sufficient sleep


That would be a lie, sir! Never? Even as a baby?
maybe thats the case. i dont wanna judge or anything


idk why but i’m always tired… :sleepy:


Ah, that’s a RIP.

It’s a common thing and has probably happened to all of us. Try to get some more rest, for feeling tired every day is undoubtedly not a good a sign for your health. I’m not sure how bad lack of sleep is, but according to your statement of always being tired, the effects of the fatigue will most likely stack exponentially. The longest I’ve gone without sleeping was two and a half days and my head started to hurt like hell by the end and for the next week. people were worried that i was going to have permanent brain damage but phhh thats child talk my body is super strong (i hope) haha my will to live did slowly drain though im pretty sure thats not even a good sign…what am i doing



if you dont like cow milk you would hate kefir lol

one thing about milk, early humans actually couldn’t drink it, it was only with evolution that humans grew to be able to digest milk. The milk from humans and cows is very different digestive wise and of course some groups of people grew in different ways so certain peoples can drink milk easier then others.

Never have I ever not enjoyed goat cheese


never liked it tbh, don’t know why though

Never have I ever been off from work/school for more than a week



Never have I ever liked plushies.


You said that on purpose!!!

This is a blatant attack on my interests


that’s depressing


Never have I ever liked cats or dogs.


Don’t come into my room.

I shall not speak to you again.


I’m pretty sure they’re very similar, both containing lactose. However, after a certain age we stop producing lactase (enzyme that breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose i think, might be wrong on those two). Thus, we used to all be lactose intolerant after a certain age, however mutations have allowed some of us to continue to have lactase. These beneficial mutations are passed down, as cow milk = higher chance of survival before technology, therefore more people with the mutation will survive/have kids.


Never have I ever honked someone in traffic or if their doing stupid stuff


wow you’re like the opposite of me

never have i ever had chinese food :confused:


I’ve had american-chinese food. Does that count?




When I was in elementary school, I used to be lactose intolerant. Now, im in high school, and I can consume dairy products just fine


Never have I ever not buped a thread when I could ^^


Never have i ever drank water with my breakfast.


Never have I ever heard the phrase “never have I ever” IRL