New profile pic


Hey guys, i made a Xmas profile pic for Xmas, tell me how you like it!

new pic

old one


Its so cute! :blush:

If you don’t know, the Iceman skin is one of my favourite skins! So that’s why I love it.


@moderators Move to Realmeye Christmas [Profile Pictures]


I hate when these art pieces get merged to other threads, just because people tend to see things said at the top more.

Doesn’t mean @Retero is wrong, just what i prefer


He’s cute but this one will bash ur skull in with that bell


So you’re saying he can decapitate your head and stuff it into a bell?


No the bell is his shield, he will literally give you a concussion with it

If u didn’t know it’s actually a winter Ruskin of the colossus shield.


It’s good, but on the second picture you can still see the original sword. Maybe move the acclaim a bit to the left and/or scale it a bit bigger…?




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