New type of hack?


Not sure


Noclip wouldn’t work, it only passes through obstacles. You can’t pass between rooms… right?


I’m gonna uncover this entire argument. My argument is that I had an alt account in Xanadu, and I don’t need to explain that. I don’t hack (and I don’t really play anymore :stuck_out_tongue:), but I can explain this a bit I think. I’ll cover this topic and explain a few other hacks I guess

This Hack (TP to boss hack): So from what was explained to me (it makes sense), the hack works as so. You basically have a noclip hack and a speed hack. The speed is ridiculous, to the point of crossing the entire realm in about half a second. Noclip has been improved for them apparently so this doesn’t cause dc as much. Yet, this usually works the best for sprites, because wall collisions (and solid objects) still have a chance of dcing.

Noclip: I’ll just explain this with a comparison involving the status quo, and say a year ago. Nowadays (I can’t explain why), noclip has been tweaked. You used to almost always dc when walking into walls, but now it’s better and more dependable

Eh screw it that’s all I’m typing


He is trolling you guys…


its called tp quest or something i knew this guy who had this hack and did insta abyss lol


I think there’s a Spriteworld hack for this, but I’ve never seen one in Abyss…


this sounds like the only reasonable explanation.


Eh, except you didn’t realize that hackers have both a “farther away tp” (which tps them to the maximum distance possible) and an “unsafe tp” (that discovers walkable tiles upon teleporting) hack.

These cheats, combined with a boss room that is randomly placed near the spawn room, leads to an instant path to the boss. I’m glad those cheats are easily fixable by DECA, though.

Trivial Issues Thread

I’ve seen it too, except with sprite worlds


there was this dude called copoy, and he literally fucking SPAWNED at the boss in a sprite, i literally went in, nobody was in the sprite besides me, seconds later, copoy spawns at the boss and kills it without me noticing.


I have seen this multple times now since a trix solo stoneguardians while we have to get thier the normal way


Yeah, was in sprite, this warrior literally instant tp to boss… I asked friends, they just said it was lag. So idk


the sprite one is known and fairly common. People using the maximum zoom out super tp on other dungeons is interesting though.


Heroique knows more than you think. Just saying.


Warriors can’t tp with any hack


That doesn’t matter if he doesn’t take basic game mechanics into consideration. The boss room can spawn near the spawn room.


Saw someone tp to O2 in WC


You are wrong. Don’t make absolute claims like that without actually knowing the truth.


And how would you know? :confused:



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