New Update to Realmeye PLZ!


So it really is a design decision and not a technical limitation or an oversight.

Thanks for the clarification.

… I was looking so hard for an “Inventory” node I didn’t bother to check how many numbers were in the “Equipment” node and just assumed they were 4… I’m dumb.


Hey, it happens to the best of us.


For an example of how the game itself used to use this info:

If you recall grave-looting, the grave bag would contain the four equipped items as the first row of the bag, and the players’ inventory space items 1, 2, 3, 4 on the second row of the bag.

So it makes sense that the player’s inventory would be recorded as part of the death process, and I guess just they coded it to record the whole inventory.

Continuing the discussion from User’s read time a bit stalky?: Users’ death items a bit stalky?


It would be nice if Realmeye showed our deaths before we died so we can prevent them.

k thx bye


"Enter Undead Lair

96% chance of getting killed by slimes"


not sure why the argument went this long… Doc said it was impossible as the very first reply, so wouldn’t everything else that’s being said not matter?


Well, I was sorta wrong (on purpose) for one thing I said. So, of course we’re now picking apart the minutiae. As is tradition.


got it, but I have nothing to add to the picking apart so I shall take my leave now.


Wait so how does it find out pet stats?
Is it how much you get healed?
So you have to use an ability in the nexus before it can tell your pet stats?
I am sure it’s not that, also how does it get most recent deaths?
And how does it check whether you have a backpack on?


Simple answer: It’s public information, it has to be.

Can’t provide you with a detailed answer, but do you really need it?

Edit: I’m going to take an uneducated guess and say realmeye gets some of it’s data, such as death data from appspot links.

Here’s an example of the current #1 char data (PallyKing)


The pet info must be freely flying around to enable your game client to correctly display the +40 or whatever above the other player’s head.


The pet info is indeed probably easy to access, but it’s not the pet info that allows you to see all Hp/Mp heals other players get, including from player Abilities or consumables.


Umm, what is that? Was this like a thing a few years ago?

Edit: Just saw this is actually of the 2nd player in the Legends. How did you get that, or what exactly does that mean?


You can just scroll up and read it. It’s all there. Basically most of the info that exists in the game can be accessed, even though the game client itself doesn’t simply have buttons to do so.




The only thing redeeming in the Itani pic is the pixie doesn’t look like a wand :confused:


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