Newbie adventures


Okay, the title is a little misleading. But I’ve been collecting a few screenshots of newer players I’ve either helped out with items/levelling/grinding, or found whilst playing while they’re being a bit silly unexperienced.

I’ll probably update the gallery occasionally if I get anything new.

Let’s get right to it, shall we?


Let’s start with this. I was going to say something but I decided to let them celebrate their little victory.


This guy was trying to sell some low tier gear in the realm, so I popped into my vault real quick and grabbed a t11 bow for them, free of charge.
They got very excited.

Now for the main event!
This fellow named BoomdieAC teleported to me somewhere in the lowlands and traded me. They had nothing so I assumed they were going to ask for ‘fri itenz xd’ and I prepared to leave. But then, Boomdie asks for me to help them level. I decided to come along, and after a brief discussion I ran behind him on my 8/8 priest, destroying enemies and healing Boomdie when they needed it.

We managed to get him to about level 17 when Oryx closed the realm. I warned them that they could easily lose their warrior we had worked on, but Boomdie assures me that they are a “professional” at the game. So we went off to Oryx’s castle!

Luckily we spawned in the same lane, so I hung back a bit and cleared a path, and sometime during this they reach level 20 on their warrior for the first time, and unlock the knight :slight_smile: They got very excited and asked if the knight was good, so I informed them on what they needed to know about the knight, etc bla bla. They were so ready to play the knight that they asked me to take their items and killed off their warrior.


Now that’s dedication.

I met up with BoomdieAC the knight in Nexus and gave them their gear (along with a t3 shield I somehow picked up somewhere).



They told me they had to go to the barbers, so I bid them farewell. That was a satisfying day.


Not too much later I found them in the realm again :slight_smile:

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We had a little discussion about their progress in game, and they’ve unlocked ninja already. Wow.

I snagged a free t5 mana ring off of someone and gave it to BoomdieAC (much better than their t2 defense ring xd), gave them a bit of advice, farmed with them for a bit and then headed off for the night.

I find them running around surprisingly often to be honest.

Here’s the last picture, I found them with a level 20 huntress using a low tier bow so I gave them my t11 (I had cbow anyway I felt bad xd), and continued on.

BoomdieAC’s determination to get better at the game is really satisfying to watch, and I’m really glad I chose to help them out a few days ago :smile:

Anyway that’s all for now. If you have the time or resources, go ahead and help someone out, and make their day :slight_smile:


Wow that’s pretty wholesome and good feeling


its too bad 90% of realm isnt like this


I like to try and do this in game

it helps keep the game alive and new players happy and partially counteracts the unfriendly spam it’s and unforgiving nature of the game.


I remember when i was a light blue star to the game and i didn’t know there was a trading part in the wiki, i was so happy when someone gave me a t11 robe.


Yup, I like to give away my vault when it gets full to people that could use some help, but sometimes that just invites them to tell others and send more and more people to you for free stuff and it sucks when you tell them no or you can’t because honestly, it sucks to be selfish when there’s no need (because it’s a video game, ya know?) But yeah, nice.

You got a screenshot of the last guy using a hack by the way lol.


:thinking: ?

Which guy? What picture?


The last picture, he confirmed the trade before the timer for the trade was done :stuck_out_tongue: BoomdieAC


Not necessarily, if Orsome clicked somewhere outside the window and then back their timer would restart independent of the other guy’s timer.


This is the most wholesome realm activity :)))


Wow, never knew that, thanks for sharing that :slight_smile:


Yes to this, I took a screenshot and it reset the trade timer :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, I mean I give items to new players and sometimes drop stuff in nexus, but I don’t know I’d have the dedication to help a single new player out by being their personal trainer!

I woke up -> checked Realmeye -> checked this post, thanks for starting my day with wholesome content


This was so cute to see


Little update, BoomdieAC made it to dark blue star, good priest they’ve got going. I’ve let them join the ranks of HamJam (guild). They’ve come so far! :blush:


My heart just might explode. This is great, I am glad he has a place to call home now!


You have inspired me to assist the new players as well. I hope this warms the hearts of all those that look upon it.


That’s a bit mean :c




I wonder why so many new players quit the game so early :thinking:

let’s be honest, you aren’t funny.