Now 2 is better than 4? (Void)


I would go for 3 groups, 2 warriors and paladins each on bottom left and top right, 1 warrior and paladin on either top left/bottom right. 3 priests each on bottom left and top right, 2 priests on either top left/bottom right. And split the group 1/3 on either top left/bottom right and the remaining is to split equally on both bottom left and top right.


the secret is that, no matter what happens, you stay put in your corner and you gun down minions. any corner left unmanned becomes a liability for another group and only makes the fight harder than needed.

also, if you can’t hold off a corner with 15 people that have both buffs and multiple priests you pretty much suck. there’s not really a nice way to say that.


I agree with this, focusing on minions is a must when doing void runs. Most fail void runs are just people being overrun by minions.


Both minions and dodging Void shots are important. It might be easier to see in a group of 4, but a group of two can hammer out the most DPS, considering they can see the shots


It’s 4 groups. There really shouldn’t be an argument made on why that’s not true unless you’re below 20 people. Minions are more dangerous than the boss and when you have a corner left alone, those minions will flood in and that’s what kills people, not the boss. The T1 minions will grow from that corner that’s left alone and when you have more than one T3 minion, that’s when people start dying

From all my void runs, which were a few, everytime there was 4 groups it was basically a cake walk. The one I did yesterday where there were 2 groups went straight to hell. Minions started stacking and it cause alot of deaths.

You can do 2 groups, i’m not saying you can’t because I completed that run with 2 groups but to avoid unnecessary deaths and make it easier on everyone, do 4 groups


LHZ is very unorganized so they can barely manage to do 2 groups let alone three. Also new lh requires 4 groups pretty much for runs with not enough people as the amount of greater shades will swell up and become impossible to survive under the constant barrages from the void entity.
also necro bump


No, LHZ can coordinate and successfully complete void with 2 groups


with GUCCI priests and like the most excellent LHZ raid leaders, yeah, but with any other leader / under 15 priests, run are prone to fail in some way.


Just nexus then.


Ik they manage 4 but its because of the sheer number of players in those runs. You don’t really need skill to huddle in a big mass of players and shoot at the void entity/greater void shades. SBC always does 4 groups regardless of the number of players.


It disgusts me that 2 groups are winning, ever wonder why lhz runs are so bad with 2 groups and sbc runs are way better with 4 ?


Well, I see four main variables.

  1. The quality of SBC leaders vs. LHZ leaders
  2. The quality of the players themselves (SBC vs. LHZ)
  3. How many players actually listen to Raid Leaders (SBC vs. LHZ)
  4. The group splitting pattern (2 vs. 4)

So yeah, if you can isolate the fourth variable by having SBC do 10 or so runs with 2 and 4 groups, and then show me data (% voids successfully completed, average amounts of deaths per void, etc), then we can discuss whether a 2-pattern or a 4-pattern split is better.

Also, why does that disgust you? If you are not part of LHZ and therefore are not affected by the quality of their runs, why do you care? Sounds like you’re in SBC. Fine by me, but some people simply do not care enough to grind for SBC reqs (10k base, 5 8/8s)

@Desotroya: remember that run where the platforms collapsed in one of the void runs? oof

I’ve completed 5+ voids with <10 priests

I can confirm that n-1 (where n is the total amount of priests) were GUCCI (as you say) priests. oof/10

LHZ can consistently run 2-pattern voids. Do you even LHZ bro? The only fail run I have ever had is when we didn’t have time to coordinate because vial popped before groups were organized.

TL;DR: LHZ is not terrible for the “filthy casual.” However, SBC is objective much better and if you would like to seriously run halls, then they are your go to.


That… isn’t much to say… wha?

10 priests is complete overkill.

8 at max, 4 if you want 1 per group, but over 8 is redundant


Heck, I’d even say 0 priests is fine. Just dodge and kill minions.


I never said anything about failed runs. I meant that LHZ can only do 2 groups because of the inability to coordinate and follow simple directions. I haven’t done a LHZ run since I joined SBC.


Exactly, paladin in each group is enough heals+buff


It disgusts me that majority of the players think that 2 groups are better although it’s much worse than 4, also sbc doesn’t run that often so if I want to do halls I’ve got to do them some other way then


I think it’s because they rely on priests because most of them can’t dodge.



you dont even need need a leader for void if the support classes split equally


you do need coordination of those supports or they will go into one big group