Ocean Trench Event (Nov 3rd to Nov 6th)


Copy-pasted from Reddit.


@moderators @nevov @shatter someone pls move to official events because that’s the only way for it to get into the proper category.


Someone give me a comparison with a ut or something on the rarity of the haunted cem pet skins. I did like 30 with no luck


The event is currently bugged. The chest doesnt always spawn


Ive done like 15 and gotten chest on all of em


Oh boy another shit event, woooooooooooooooooooooooo


Is the event still bugged?




Right, on 200 ot, got 6 glitchy one


Did 3 last night and got 1 chest :smiley:


did 2 ots, got skull sword and cleaver


I have done 5 OTs and not gotten a single event chest, even with double check to make sure all the enemies cleared. Has the bugginess been fixed yet or no? I don’t want to waste all my keys.
