Ocean Trench running


I need a cbow. I’m not the only one either. So I think we should gather many people. Anyone who can and wants to help will pop OT to help everyone get a nice item. I’m thinking 10:00am Central Time, USSW, left trading bazaar… Would anyone be interested? And remember to spread the word. More people with ot keys, more chance for everyone to get at least a Mana. Event status: Unconfirmed
Edit: Rewording Credit @MrSurvivor




@moderators I think this is close worthy? :sunglasses:




You’re not the OP, sorry.

Who knows, maybe a few people with keys will actually put something together here. Haven’t you ever read the children’s book “Stone Soup”?


Literally sounds like you were the one going to open


Oh that was my bad. I’ll fix it…


Wow im sure id love to spend some hard earned money popping keys for a presumably f2p player whos only after my money and is the definition of a key leecher


Correct. See you there…


Please close @moderators
Died on my archer I: I hate lag so much
