Oryx Skin Problem


image Am I the only player that can’t use this skin? Whenever I play knight and try to use this skin I just can’t bring myself to rock with this.I know, don’t look at it just pay attention to something but majority of the time you’re looking at your character. I mean the oryx skin looks dope when you put dyes all over the skin but I don’t have any.


Have you seen infected assasin or snorkler at that


Yes but luckly I dont have those two skins on my main account


Not every skin is neccesairly good, ecspecially for knight as base knight looks pretty nice by itself


I agree; I don’t like most of the other knight skins I have because either they don’t look great (Stone Statue, Turtle, Snowman) or the animation is not great (Kingsman, Penguin)

Heroic Knight/Link knight ftw though <3


Hell yeah heroic knight is my go to ppe skin


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