Ot glitch?


where the fucking chest at deca?


Yup. Had the same problem. Since I’ve already done two trenches and seen no chest I think it’s safe to say DECA has trolled us (or they have experienced technical difficulties). :confused: Fix, please.


Have done multiple OTs with my guild, and can confirm that the reward chests are dropping. Just got the Vampire Hunter skin from the chest.


same, have done ~20 ot’s already and have gotten a full coral set and 2 skins so yeah it’s working


You might have missed a seahorse somewhere on the map. Happened to me while I was running one before


Deca should implement a /remaining feature that tells you how many enemies remain in the dungeon.

Event ended too early?

This happened to us during the Encore event. We killed everything and yet the chest never spawned in…


Same happend to me yesterday.


Happened to me three times, out of maybe six. Definitely not something overlooked on the map, after multiple people checked each time. It’s pretty hard to overlook enemies in there as the rooms are smallish + regularly shaped. More importantly every enemy shows up on the minimap as a red dot. It’s not like UDL traps, Tomb traps which don’t show up.


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