Parasite Den





We already have Hermit God hentai, why are you looking for more? :thinking:


Only for Halloween as an official dropping dungeon year round I wouldn’t like it


If it were to ever be made, I imagine it would be a mid to late game dungeon, around the same difficulty as the Manor or Lab. The theme is too intimidating for a midgame dungeon, but it wouldn’t quite fit as a full-fledged endgame dungeon either.


the what?


i searched images of this
i am scarred for life


and what part of that sounded like a good idea to you?


Its more a less a children’s game.
Adding this in seems a little grotesque, and rather nightmarish to its target audience.

Its best where it belongs…
Hidden, to the parasite that it is…


i didnt know what hentai meant


Let’s just say we don’t have the same references. Or maybe the same idea of what belongs in a 13+ game.

(and honestly, it just feels out of place. Most of the enemies in RotMG are either funny, generic monsters or at worst slightly edgy (see also: The Shatters). Adding a dungeon with actual horror in it seems like it just wouldn’t fit).


Searching for hentai never ends well. Trust me… i know.




What a match…


I know this is off topic but I hate khezu XD hes got SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH hp but i was forced to fight him for his awsome gsword.


Freaking hate fighting that thing melee. Spam e-field. Spam e-field. Spam e-field. Ded.

On topic, didn’t we play Silent Hill or Resident Evil as a child too? I’d be down to adding that to the game. It’ll be horrifying, but it’ll be one great memory.

p.s. I have never played Silent Hills or Resident Evil,


If you played a lot of half life these enemies are nothing

The walking horror looks cool


</font size=10>He’s not talking about Half-Life, he’s talking about RotMG.


I was a noob.

Never bothered upgrading and I fought him with giaprey dual blades.

Because that was smart :neutral_face:


This isn’t a dong-measuring contest to determine which one of us can withstand watching fucked up body horror the most, this is about gauging the overall tone of RotMG and knowing what fits with it and what doesn’t.

And if you pay attention to the sprites and the dialogue, you’ll realize that RotMG is mostly a goofy game that doesn’t take itself seriously. It’s not Silent Hill, it’s not Siren, it’s not Amnesia, hell it’s not even Resident Evil.

Right now the only thing in the game that comes close is the Mad Lab, and even there the creatures are so cartoonish they’d fit in a Simpsons episode.


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