Patch Notes 27.7.X10.3 - The Rise of Deca


however it does match the blue set. ice crown on priest isnt bad


yes but I still dislike the sprite, also it doesn’t fit the alternating blue/black/blue/black for the sorc set.


OH no…


Lol he might be hard now


will still get steamrolled, its only going to take longer now


That’s a nice looking priest you got there…I should work on my knight, so that he’ll be ready to meet that priest soon…at the same time, my knight is on holiday atm.

Shaxasno's Photo Album!

First impressions are it’s a good update.

Personally speaking I already liked most of the things that are being buffed, so I should have more reason to like them. (eg. Lod armours - I’ll probably start wearing them on mains as well/instead of on throwaways).

One minor ‘worse’, for me, is I preferred the wider 3-shot bow shot spread, gave a tactical reason why you could choose between covert or cbow situationally. Now they’re virtually the same that idea is out. But I’m dbow 95% of the time anyway so I hardly earn a vote on it.

I’m happy they added the next reskins to hunt while keeping the first batch ones in, so we can carry on searching for whichever we want, or if we have been lucky to loot already move onto only the newest ones. Still would have preferred them all in from the start, not staggered.

It’s very good in general that Deca is happy to rebalance, so it’s a positive update.

I’m ignoring the yet again new swath of reskins as just Deca’s obsession, I imagine they will all be mystery box only so nothing to care about collecting.

[Edit: oh one thing that is mildly annoying is Deca should have planned & announced the snowflakes changing to FP items EARLIER, or saved this idea for the NEXT set of tokens. It is a Good Thing to have FP as a consolation, but a lot of people will have already thrown snowflakes away thinking them worthless and now they find they miss out on feedpower, potentially up to 5k? Bit of a bad outcome due to Deca’s slapdash attitude. Maybe I’m beating up on them for trying to get a positive change but not doing it “right”, IDK. Just talk to us more, Deca!]


i just tried ninja again ( had a vit, def/8 sitting with me for like 6months without using)

and even with basicallya 1/8, its pretty damn awesome, i dont have any ut katana (b/c im trash) so the 4.7 range is nice, along with the dps boost.


Yeah it seems like the katana changes are well done, will give him a proper try later on. All classes have to be fine to play without “needing” UTs, so if this does it for ninja, then good.


Keep politics out of this man. I think Cwand is find just as it is


I don’t see the point of the doku nerf.


I like the changes because they made a lot more items useable, but I’m also disappointed because I dropped many of the buffed items, like the Ray Katana, Firecracker Katanas, and Water Dragon Silk Robes. I have 5 coral bows and a doku in my vault which both got weaker as well, but I guess those are the challenges of having 2 vault chests.


Its nice that we finally have some numbers balancing, which is something that could have been easily done before, but maybe the developers wanted to get a feel for how much the numbers should have been changed. Looking forward to bigger content updates in the future!


Here’s some things

Tier Min + Max + Avg + Old New
0 5 5 5 10-40 15-45
1 5 5 5 15-45 20-50
2 5 5 5 20-55 25-60
3 5 10 7.5 25-55 30-65
4 5 5 5 35-65 40-70
5 5 10 7.5 45-65 50-75
6 0 5 2.5 30-50 30-55
7 5 10 7.5 50-70 55-80
8 0 1 0.5 40-60 40-61
9 0 2 1 40-65 40-67
10 3 0 1.5 45-65 48-65
11 4 0 2 45-70 49-70
12 0 5 2.5 50-70 50-75


Tier Min + Max + Avg + Old New
0 5 10 7.5 20-60 25-70
1 0 15 7.5 30-60 30-75
2 5 10 7.5 30-70 35-80
3 0 20 10 45-65 45-85
4 2 17 9.5 53-73 55-90
5 0 20 10 55-85 55-105
6 5 10 7.5 70-100 75-110
7 0 10 5 90-110 90-120
8 -10 16 3 100-134 90-150
9 -15 25 5 115-135 100-160
10 -2 13 5.5 112-152 110-165
11 10 5 7.5 110-170 120-175
12  -5 20 7.5 140-160 135-180

if someone really wants to they can quote this to copy and then edit the main post to make it look pretty


thanks for the list! looked really confusing on the post :stuck_out_tongue:


new shots for this weapon

new dps graph:

srry, the first graph has the wrong data for doku

it sucks b/c i have literally none of the ut katanas, and only gotten one before.

but the sullen blade is probabaly a better weapon for super close range than void.
Masamune is only a little weaker than doku. Although, masamune is more useful for higher def enemies.
Ray is better.


Not sure if it got confirmed since whoever said 2 tokens = 200 fp, but I had 19 tokens and fed for 1900 fp, so it seems a straight 1 token = 100fp kinda deal


adding insult to injury for my ninja death…


Ah, I’m late to everything as usual. Let’s start judging what Deca did in this update, shall we? The number ratings are what I think of the decision.

  1. The fake announcements: I actually thought that the first one was real, cause it wasn’t too crazy, so I was like “hm, interesting” and then I saw the second one and I was like “wait, what?” then I saw the third one and that was when I realized it was fake. Pretty funny though. 79/100

  2. Guild ban: Yeah, that’s not a very good name for your guild. 87/100

  3. Dungeon chest events: Yes… they’re back. When Deca said that the UDL event was going to be the “Dungeon of the Week”, I looked forward to more chest events, but they didn’t do it afterwards. I’m glad Deca is bringing it back and I hope to see it more often. 96/100

  4. Belladona’s: In my entire RotMG life, I’ve never been into a Belladonna’s garden, and I hope to get some pots and reskins inside this dungeon now. 87/100

  5. New winter reskins: They probably look sick, but too be honest we have enough item reskins. What I don’t like is that these will probably never be announced again, so players with them in the future will likely have the only versions of these reskins, and they would be cool and stuff. That’s pretty nice, but I don’t think it’s good if we have like 1000 items in the future and they are all extremely rare. 35/100

  6. Snowflakes token feeding: Good, that way it’ll be useful to players who can’t collect 50 of these. 94/100

  7. New skins for valentines and mardi gras: Wow, we seriously don’t need any more skins. I know these are nice, but we don’t need so much. Deca has released at least 100 skins by now I’m assuming. 9/100

  8. Cem minibosses invulnerability: This is great because void blade ninjas won’t instakill all the minibosses. Makes it actually fair. 98/100

  9. Davy jones: I don’t do a lot of Davy Jones’ Lockers, but I heard that he gets steamrolled. This should help prevent that. 79/100

  10. Tiered bow buff: Eh… This is good because they will actually become used, this is bad because it makes it too similar to cbow. 57/100

  11. Leaf bow buff: Leaf bow was horrible, but now it’s too good (Just check the DPS chart). I’m glad Deca is thinking about buffing it, but I think they overdid it. 70/100

  12. Katana buff: This will make ninja better, so definitely good. A doku is like a great bullet on a weak gun, and now it’s an okay bullet on an okay gun, after the nerf, so it’s good. The buffs on the other katanas are agreeable. 94/100

  13. LoD Buffs: I made a post about possible buffs to the LoD items, and I’m so glad Deca decided to buff it (even though they probably didn’t look at my post). This makes LoD’s sort-of worth it now, so I’m really glad. 87/100

  14. Crystal/Frozen Wand buff: Sure, why not. It’s not like I’ll ever get one anyways. 76/100

  15. Doom Circle buff: Um, no. It’s the Midnight Star that needs the buff. 20/100


At first I thought this was serious and i’m like “wtf??” then i slowly start to realize it’s a joke xD