Patch Notes 27.7.X12.1 - End of March Mini-Patch


Crosspost from

Hey there people! Just a few fixes here and there, nothing to see move along.


  • Fixed Undead Dwarf God spawn rate
  • Fixed Pot of Gold Invulnerability Time (25 sec now instead of 5 sec)
  • Crystal Prisoner Clone & Steed should no longer have their Winter reskins
  • Some small polish fixes here and there

I told you to move along! Shoo shoo!

Lol? Old items skins!
April Fools Patch?

@moderators yes yes patch note could you move it to news and information thanks thanks
sorry sorry if bad formatting ok ok


[Done. Have a scintillating afternoon. OB]


So does anyone know if this is a buff or nerf to the spawn rate


I could barely see any so i think it’s buff.



They also did reskin the Experimental Ring. Its looking pretty different. Kinda like it too


The skull shrine have sunglasses on and cubes have now eyes


The entire lab set is reskinned, and I don’t know if I like it.


I wish actually that in options you can turn off reskins.
Those look really awful.


They are so fucking ugly I quit


Maybe they are for april fools


Holy shite the UB rings too.

This has to be for april fools, yeh


Welp, I guess reddit got what they always wanted.




tbh robe looks sick now but everything else looks so weird


I have to admit I found this on reddit, but they gave the secret vault statue googly eyes.


Thats horrible

mith sword is back (still csword stats tho)


Insert girly screaming


pic of mith sword shot


