Patch Notes 27.7.X4




Yes. There were some crashing problems after the update. They’re working on it.


ty fam <3


Guys, this isn’t a chat. xD lol.


Instant update kinda makes it work that way, though.

I am thinking about cleaning out garbage replies… we want more substantial discussion here, not random garbage. Go to reddit for that. :wink:


Not my intention.
A better way to say that would be, there needs to be some more meaningful changes and server optimizations before player support will increase.


I just want the servers to run well. I don’t care if they release new things, I just want to be able to play reliably and without problems.


That I can agree with.

Sorry if I took that the wrong way. So many people on reddit lately come across as combative with Deca, and I don’t want that to spill over here if I can help it. Work together, not against each other!


Hopefully this maintenance ends soon.


Nutnut ^-^ welcome to the forums. And agreed.


Dude, there’s like white shit on the tip of it lmaooo and grip, idk game is down atm I haven’t had a good look


i haven’t seen it yet. i thought they went back to the old reskin sprite. so they changed it again?


Its uh…


it’s not too pretty… certainly more unique than the previous reskin


It doesn’t work at all, nor does it fit with any other items you would have in a set.


Game is crashed during my OT D: I want back my Key D:


But it’s not part of a set. ?

More discussion on reskinning here: Reskin the reskinned reskin DBlade


It’s up for me!


Yep, the servers are up again.


Yea, it’s up