Patch X.17.0 - The Tinkering


I’m just going to say you missed your 0’s in the digit lists here, and the ten may make it confusing:


Yeah was thrown off by the 10 at the end there. But it probably would make more sense for a non technical person I suppose.


Always count starting from 0.
Just like I did on the documentation explaining it:
16 items per row, so the indexes are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f.

0x10 is the 17th item, thus the first item on the 2nd row and so forth.
As another tip, it can be quite handy to just have a converter ready.

If you count from 1 it’s correct, but for sprite sheets it would actually mean:


Why I hate indexing


With the addition of XML editing and other helpful tools, does DECA mind if we use FSOD or other sources to test out these new enemies and other things? Basically: Would I get banned for recording a video with an FSOD server in it?


Hotfix 14-09-2017

  • Fixed client side Stasis caused by Gravel.
  • Reduced Ancient Stone Sword drop rates to compensate for the damage threshold fix (don’t worry, it will still be much more fair to get than before).

Should I buy an etherite dagger?



So I can explain to my guild that me getting those A.S.Ses wasn’t luck and they shouldn’t kick me from the guild? Thanks Krathan!


:sweat:, thankfully got 2 before this


oh darn, i still don’t have an ass and probaly will never get onein the future :frowning:




got 2 in 1 day and it was on Tuesday, you can see it on my realmeye.


guess what, i got 0 in 1 day you can check my realmeye


k man


Rip didn’t get an ASS yet. Well let the grind begin…


got another ass xd


Man life without an ass hurts… I have a bunch of turds stuck and they’re ready to burst…




ass is overrated dw


Pshh who needs to shit brix when you can die because of overflowing turds.