Patch X.19.0 Mystery Shop Relaunch


It doesn’t look like she’s smashing things anymore, just hammering them :frowning:


The desired effect is great but when a guildmate actually shows up whilst the cd timer activated you have to manually type the teleport command to your guildmate since click teleporting also shows cd on guildmates which is kinda annoying though.


That’s a bug and will be fixed, guild teleports are intended to bypass the timer.


New confirmed possible highest feed power, if you stacked 50 pumpkin seeds (stack limit), 50*200 = 10,000 feed power


Would be so sad if you have 49 and got one more from that last quest…


For alchemist, maybe you can bring it back, and similar to the tinkerer


Why not remove the Tarot Cards too because no one likes those… except for the people who want them for the swag purposes.


Hotfix 2017-11-16

Here’s the hotfix we pushed yesterday, sorry for the late update!

  • Fixed shop issue with multiple pack purchases sometimes not granting all items.
  • Fixed guild teleports not bypassing 2 minute teleport restriction.
  • Fixed Oryx 2 sometimes refusing to stop dressing for Halloween.


I’m still in my Halloween costume, and I’m sure many sweaty forumers are as well, why do we need to force oryx to do something we aren’t doing?


OR instead of trying to get 50 bones and not the skin just for feed power, you could just buy the ambrosia pack which is 3500 gold (2 packs for $50) for 35000 feed power xd


This is totally true!


I want my tomato sauce back!

It just hit me that I haven’t played my mystic in a while, and that’s because I was waiting for the ketchup’s return. Any confirmation?

No. 1


It’s going to happen! Maybe not in the next patch, but soon™. It might also not be the classic ketchup but something a little less extreme. I’ll explore some options soon.


Speaking of the next patch, can there be a way to stop crashers from flooding coordinated dungeons?

Like a private-room type of thing where you pay 1000 fame to make a room, then invite people in a similar way to the guild invite?


(Or just fix LH so the playerbase doesn’t feel the need/desire to only go in “coordinated” groups of 100+ players standing in a mass meatshield/healspam group. HP-scaling seems like it could have a great effect in there to give the dungeon a fair threat level vs both medium and massive groups).

I’m tempted to think that if the group is too big to be organised to “all go EUS right now”, and benefit from the bazaar’s timer to stop randoms showing up, then your group is just too big. Or maybe needs some work on weeding out whoever it is leaking the opening location info to their friends?


Literally impossible though
SBC has a max of 80 people per run, but 60 people per run is the norm.

Someone called me a

he was a crasher who constantly trolls and gets the location from someone, but we can’t figure out who.


@Krathan don’t forget to post the patch notes here too c:

Edit: Thanks to @Kablooeyy for the screenshot :smiley:


We’ll just have the patch notes in game, since they’re only small changes. Gobble gobble!

Patch X.19.1.0 - Cleaning the Shelves

