Patch X.21.0 Public Faming




When you’re a fucking legend…


Wonder how many birds will poop on it :thinking:.


Just stumbled onto this function: hovering over the Dungeons Completed shows a completion count for them all! :astonished:


Checking Tunnel Rat is still easier to see at a glance on muledump - but if somehow hovering over the Tunnel Rat bonus could highlight which ones have/haven’t yet been completed, that would be super useful - maybe if it did Yellow Text for the ones we’ve done, and ones not yet done might remain in Grey?


And last request!, if it could somehow distinguish between which achievements are impossible (because a pot has been drunk, a teleport has been done, a cube killed, etc. - versus those that are still possible if you just kill enough gods, level up enough players, etc. that would be a Good Thing.


(Also, menu graphic for this update:)


To be honest, why is ancestor even on there? It can only be achieved once per account, and by the time you know what this feature even is you’ll most likely have already died once.


Will the player cap on the nexus be removed?


It was a bug which that change should have fixed already, yes.


2018-01-16 Hotfix 21.0.1

  • Fixed an issue with the scroll bar being overlapped in the character selection screen
  • Fixed an issue with Base Fame values in the Statistics Panel
  • Removed remaining Oryxmas events and Oryx taunts
  • Removed Oryxmas quests from the Tinkerer
  • Oryx’s Castle remains his Winter Castle and still drops T11 weapon reskins throughout Winter

Will the T6 reskins lose value after Christmas?
Trivial Issues Thread

Hmm. I was honestly getting tired of the Winter Castle.


So winter oryx until february?


When does winter end? Is there a specific date?
Also good job with fixing everything else :smiley:


i’d assume march 20th or 21st, since that’s when winter technically ends


Doesn’t it depend on the groundhog? Or is it just me


Based on last spring, I’d say somewhere in late March.


Event calls still say “an cube god” plz Deca
Also, will Ice Tombs still be dropping from the court and selling in nexus throughout this “Winter” period?


Hotfix info was posted on in-game screen


(This was also already posted on the forum by @Mynamerr on another thread).


Parasaurolophus pet stone looking nice!
