Patch X.31.6.0 - Heroic Easter


yeah eggs need to be appear as quest (bounty) like last year


I have been thinking about that, but I think they probably will be still on the normal udl

Heroic UDL is such a fresh fun.


I’m at 3/8 from getting my second ut, but I only have done 2 biffs, because of no quest popping in realms. They probably will fix that tomorrow. I hope.


it drops from o2 i think


I think I got hit with that 400 shot. Smh man :frowning:


I like the HUDL a bunch and would welcome further Heroic (petless harder) versions of old dungeons. I think it’s a great idea. But I would say if you want people to run them regularly (and buy keys) then introduce NEW UTs to them. Otherwise people are not going to regularly run dangerous dungeons for entry level UTs and old tops. But I think this dungeon type is a great idea. It reminds me of old WS days.


You stay in the unupgraded UDL, the one you’re in becomes inaccessible once the UDL is upgraded


Still hoping Beholders will drop a dungeon. One day.


There is a plan to have the Cursed Library (a dungeon that has appeared on testing) drop from beholders. Now they just need to put it in prod…


Updated today


Update to the Reddit post:

This is how the Easter Eggs look on the minimap:



Finally. Time to farm Biffs


yay! eggs appear!


Let’s get the helm


:clap: Why :clap: did :clap: you :clap: not :clap: change :clap: the :clap: epic :clap: dungeons :clap:


This was posted on an event thread on Reddit -link but it seems to fit in with being Patch Notes so am copying it here:

Weekend Dungeon Challenge: The Shatters and Haunted Cemetery [Apr 26th to Apr 30th]

I was thinking hmm maybe the skull shrine should drop a Shaitan after killed. I mean they both are skulls so I mean it would make sense. Just an idea.


Shaitan is the king of the Djinn so no😤


Do we know if skins will be available for 15k gold (based on own limited data tbf) via mystery boxes, or there’s a better plan to make them available again?


New update: Patch X.31.7.0 [The Cursed Library] Notes