Pet tab displays different pet then equipped


Well you dun goofed up decker…

Trivial Issues Thread

I’ve moved this one out of the trivial thread because it’s a more major bug worthy of its own topic if the game isn’t displaying pets correctly.

Edit: if I’ve guessed wrongly what the bug is you’re posting about - then feel free to edit your OP to give more info.


@nevov that’s the pet that I equipped, the tab shows other wise though.


Does the dog still give you the same amount of heal and mheal?


No, this is a common pet that I equipped to test something, but it gave the same amount of heal that the common pet has, not the rare pet. To clarify, I did not equip the shown rare pet before the functional common pet, so I’m pretty sure it’s not anything from my end.


I thought this was a known issue? Unequipping your current pet, leaving your pet yard, and entering again to equip the pet you want will fix it.


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