Petition to change CDirk's shot sprite


So i had a conversation in the ROTMG discord lately and people said cdirk’s shot to look like this CDIRK%20shot
What do you guys think about it?


Is it me or my eyes is blinded and i cant see any sprite.



shot resized and with a border and a white background for those darkmode users

why exactly is this necessary, though?


Frankly, I feel like dagger shots should be the dagger sprite but without an outline. Might be ugly but would clear up why a dagger is further reached than a sword.


The cdirk is a classic item, when you think about old RotMG it’s one of the first things that come to mind so I disagree with a change


I dislike that sprite

The current one is nice, just kinda small


Your’re right it makes us remember the ol’ days


I wouldn’t mind a new one, but it definitely shouldn’t be that one.

but I’m also content with the current sprite, so why fix something that isn’t broken?


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