Player Easter Stuff


with Easter being the next event i decided to make some cool stuff for it!
always open to CC

the top row being the weapons
from left to right:
wand, staff, dagger, katana, bow, sword

second row being the armor!
heavy, light, and robe

and lastly the ability items
rogue, knight, assassin, archer, wizard, priest, warrior, paladin, necromancer, huntress, mystic, trickster, sorcerer, and ninja

spent a bit of time on certain ones, i like some and dislike some!
hope you guys like them!


Pretty cool. Keep doing this stuff. I like it.
The first row sword and dagger look weird- dagger is too big, and sword looks quirky.
Everything else look cool tho, especially the poison.


Nice sprites, aside from maybe the star on the bottom row!


yea i hate the ninja star haha


They’re supposed to be carrot-y, right?

Okay but they’re mostly pretty good


Damn that shield looks really good, nice job on the sprites.


yea somewhat, im most likely going to go back and change the colors a bit more, maybe more saturated


The spell looks cool.


The prism looks dank.


The star looks weird, and the cloak looks trippy.

Otherwise, they all look amazing!

P.S I love how on the spell theres a carrot


You have really nice shading techniques; a lot of people use too much or too little contrast, or just too many colours on their palette. This combined with some great designs make your sprites very pleasing to look at - I love the unique way you approached the skull but still kept with theme. Please keep doing more sprite sets like this!


I want to like your post twice for the bunnyhead skull. That’s really creative. Awesome work :slight_smile:


How did you make these?You did a really nice job!


I think we found the next @Beige.

Congrats, these are beautiful!


Okay, honestly here:
I find the wand and dagger a bit too vague for my liking, the wand seems too confusing for me and the dagger too big.
The star seems fairly basic in shape.
Apart from that I feel you did an amazing job! I personally would love the robe and helm to be implemented if anything. Continue making sprites, your work is lit. :smile:


Looks good. Are these meant to be replacements for tops, vanity items, or just their own separate thing? Just curious.


this is some quality stuff


did some changes!
this is patch 123125.12412c beta 3412b

  1. added a ring and a pet to go along with the easter set!
  2. i also changed the sword a bit, idk how i feel about it always up for CC!
  3. made the dagger more “Dagger” like heh
  4. fixed the necro skull a bit just to look a bit more like a bunny
  5. and finally changed the shurican, will also work more on it

hope you guys enjoy my work !


the shield looks lie a chestplate


Your skull now reminds me of the things in Ice Cave