Please, help with connecting problem


Hi. I played on Steam version of RoTMG for ~1-2 years, but week ago i saw, that my game kinda not working, when i try to join on EuE server
It says "Connection failed … retrying"
I tried other servers, few of them like EuE seems not working, few works, but some portals are lagging, like EuE (connection failed)
Then i was trying more, used my flash projector and web version of RoTMG, but same problem happened (also, i was trying to use another account)
When i gave my account to my friend, he successfully joined on EuE
Then, i downloaded VPN, and it’s works fine
But i can’t use VPN for all the time…
Can someone help me?


Either you’re playing on wifi that’s not your own, or you have an outdated version of the game client or whatever


I have my own internet connection(not wifi) and i don’t think that steam version or site version is outdated


Is this on school wifi? Sounds like it’s somehow semi-blocked. Not sure tho


No, my own wire-internet connection
But i know, that it is something with blocked ports or similar problem (don’t know how to fix it)


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