Pokemon Draft League?


How many people would be interested in doing a draft league?

How would work: We’d probably be using the WBE rules, with their tier list

How drafting works is that we’ll have a random order, and people pick one at a time (with your picks being revealed to everyone). Pokemon can only be drafted by one person, with the exception being that, say, G-Max Pikachu doesn’t count as regular Pikachu for drafting. Each player would get 1 G-Max pokemon, 1 S-tier, 2 A-tier, 3 B-tier, and 4 C-tier, with 6 of the 11 being brought to the battle.

Once everyone has picked once, picks would continue in reverse order to the original order, until all 11 are chosen. So if 3 people were to participate, the picks would look like: A B C C B A A B C C B A, etc.

Battles would be round robin, fought on Pokemon showdown, with certain rules such as:

  1. You can’t dynamax, except for gigantamaxing your chosen gigantamax Pokemon if you choose to bring it to the battle.
  2. Sleep Clause (you can only put one of the opponents pokemon to sleep)
  3. Evasion Clause (no evasion moves)
  4. Your mons have to be legal for gen 8 (obviously).

Anyone interested?



pretends to recognize any pokemon from after gen 4

Wait, legal for gen 8?! NO NECROZMA?!!


Sure sounds like fun, although I don’t know a lot about pokemon


Local news: Pokemon Go player fails to recognise melturn meltan


Local news: 12 year old fails to spell ‘Meltan’ correctly.


Also that was sarcasm. Why do you think it was crossed out?


Hm? 12 year old? Imagine being 12… Also, I was joking?
git gud old man




I’m interested but I have no knowledge of the latest generation of pokemon. All this Dyna max crap is confusing.


necrozma isn’t even on the tier list, due to dexit.

Also if people want to do gen 7, I’m down for that as well


Will it be free? Sounds fun




Whats pokemon :wink:


a showdown competition?! heck yeah brother :slight_smile:


I don’t think we have enough people REEEE


pokemon gang rise up


I’d be down for gen 7… the dynamax stuff still confuses me


I think gen 8 with dynamax banned would be a good idea




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