Politics ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°) 2, Electric Boogaloo


Me: mom can I get image ?

Mom: we have image at home

image at home: image


completely forgot about this thread lmao


Looking through every post in the thread.


video unavailable :frowning:


open it in a new tab then


thank you :slight_smile:


Bernie Cinders 2024

election is very close, dunno who’s gonna win at this point.


I’m assuming Biden. He made a pretty good comeback since yesterday. Nevada be taking their sweet, sweet time with counting. Also, I thought Pennsylvania would go blue this time, but apparently not for now.


Kanye West.


I’m guessing so too, with the current state of Pennsylvania it really could shift to Biden, Georgia is a possibility too. Nevada has been at 75% reporting for a long bit, dunno whats going on there.

He will win the election in a landslide.


Biden might lose Nevada because only 8k vote gap and 75% reporting, so there’s a chance
Trump might lose Georgia. Only leading by ~20k and still 1% left, but Georgia has a lot of people so there’s a chance for that too.


Most of the hugely populated cities in Nevada like Las Vegas are mostly blue, so there’s little chance that Trump will take it. I think they went blue last election, too. On the other hand, Biden probably isn’t winning Penn, seeing how they went red last time. Georgia matters, but Trump’s already in trouble, even if he manages to get it.

But no matter what political side we’re on, can we all agree that we need younger candidates with less senility?


Yes. I would also appreciate it if people could vote for an actual good candidate instead of the lesser evil


The next JFK yes yes?


so is alaska useless


alaska’s electoral votes will not be the deciding factor


looks like its over for Trump, Biden is leadingin PA and georgia now.



an outstanding day for america


Excuse me, what the hell?