Poll: do you prefer reskins drop alongside normal item?


I’m interested what the community view is about this.

At present during special events when reskin items are brought into the game, for example during Month of the Mad God with the reskin dbow Morning Star and the reskin dblade Illumination Sword, Deca regularly allows the reskin item to drop, alongside the original item.

So, which of the following is true for you:

  • I prefer to be able to loot both normal item and event reskin item
  • I prefer to be able to loot only event reskin item (at double drop rate)
  • I don’t like event reskin items

0 voters

A Biffy Update!

Imma be pretty miffed if I get a morning star those things are ugly af.

Edit: shieeeet I got a regular dbow im happe now


I wish they would make new remakes for each year instead of the same ones over and over but I guess that would lead to be people feeling left out? Which I feel is the reasoning behind a lot of item drops in the game. Nothing is limited or rare there is nothing that a hand full of people have that others don’t.


I can deal with both mstar and dbow but normal dblade vs illumination? No way, fire sword all the way!


I prefer the more simple sprites of the normal items.


looks don’t mean much to me. I enjoy the increases drop rates and thats it. A black arrow does the same damage as some shooting star bullshit just like 2 red beams do the same as 2 super mario bros fireballs


I don’t see why it’d be double drop rate for the reskin items. I’m glad that there is also a chance to get a regular white bag. Makes the reskins less common.


Poll is missing the “I don’t really care, all I care about is the double drop rate”.

Just to be sure, when they say there’s a double drop rate, it only means that, alongside dbow dropping with a probability of x, morning star is also dropping with a probability of x, right? Does this mean I can get both in one white bag?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2E3tD7JE3U yes


Then it’s even better than double drop rates. If the normal rate is x, MotMG offers a 2x rate of dropping one UT at a time and a x² rate of dropping two UTs at a time.


If it’s double drop rate then yes both should drop. Don’t want everyone running around with 20 Morning stars in their vault


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