Poll for Rotmg activity


A comment I passed by made me curious about the forumers here. I’ve read through many posts by now and have somewhat of an idea for who still plays and who doesn’t, but I wanted to see it in data form. Quick and simple:

  • Still plays Rotmg regularly (At least once a week)
  • Plays infrequently (struggles to play, or only plays for events)
  • Has ceased playing the game altogether (not a temporary rage-quit)

0 voters

Only playing with friends is a gray area, so I didn’t count that in the options.


@DemiPony :frowning: my lil 2 star buddy


@DemiPony :frowning: my lil former guild founder


@DemiPony :frowning: my lil daily person tagged


@DemiPony I am on your side here fuck rotmg


I was waiting for you in particular to say something like this :joy:
(No offense)


what kind of awful poll is this there’s no option that fits me

“playing with friends is a grey area” what the hell you shell


Do you play with friends every day, or do you play with friends once every month or so? It gives no information on how much time you actually spend playing.

In any case, how often would you say you play?




Yeah, JimdaFish summarized it nicely. I wanted to knock out playing with friends because that could mean once in blue moon or every day. If you care to even vote, just go for the approximate amount of time you play. Possibly the infrequently option if only with friends?


fine but i’m not happy about it


Simplicity for this poll is necessary, my good sir. I do have a use for it beyond merely satiating my curiosity. ;3


I cry. I used to play this game everyday and grinded each event. Now, I just log in for dailies with the last event grinded prob the alien event.


Completly quit. Even with IOC there is still so much wrong with the game and exalt is a laggy mess.


Plays daily or every 2nd day would have been a good option.


Once again, simplicity is key. There are some of us that may play as often as life permits, and may have some solid chunks of time on one or two days of the week only, but enough to qualify as active. I don’t want to spread the poll thin with the myriad of exceptions per individual possible. Just use your best judgement! :slight_smile:


I play around once a week now that my activity has fallen off a bit - still having fun and if I tried to grind out more hours then I would probably enjoy playing less.


I only play an hour- an hour and 15 minutes and try to never play more then that.


not too long ago it would get to the point where i would load up rotmg and not want to play…but recently i found motivation by playing on my maxed characters instead of ppes and it’s kinda fun. i think i could play a couple times a week, but recently i’ve gotten really busy so i can’t spend much time on this game.


why not play on maxed ppes instead :wink: