Pollen is recruiting for new player :O


We need people that are good, need about a 6/8 and 2/8 or a 8/8.
We are autistic so be prepared for trouble :open_mouth:
We are very racist too.
We are rebuilding lmao so join now :smiley:
Our guild has a discord so yay ?
Our guild is basically in Uss all the time
Why should you join…
We have a Roman :smiley:
We open keys ots, shitters, tombs, (we suck at shatters) others keys also.
We open about 1-2 times a week :stuck_out_tongue:
We also have a bad sense of humor :smiley:
Join now :open_mouth:


mtf a blue star:
u need an 8/8 to join


that is 100% rwt


he bought 6/8 lmaoooo

and he still doesnt meet reqs


I died on my 6/8 knight :<


since you’re 100% sure, i would like this hard iron proof that he is a rwter.


rip no one wants to join:P


Wrong thread


Why is it the wrong thread? I’m talking about how no one wants to join Pollen.


Well I assume you got here by searching like I told you but this is not the thread I meant


I actually didn’t I saw it in the suggested topics. Which ones are you talking about?



I already saw it.


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