Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


Can I join?


If you live in Australia, sure. Otherwise it might be difficult to meet them in person.


REported for doxxing continents


Onoes I picked a continent at random and my 1/7 chance happened to be right whatever am I gonna doooooooooo



oh no itā€™s not like itā€™s a meme on the discord that they live in bad continent Australia!

good afternoon btw


And here here too to some extent.

And Good morning to you mate.


How does it feel to be in the future


Last i checked morning comes before afternoon, but anyhow, the future is feeling quite hot.


If any continent had to be destroyed for the others to remain, clearly we would pick Australia


If youā€™re in morning while Iā€™m in afternoon, itā€™s kind of impossible for you not to be in the future

(California PST is the latest time zone unless you live in like, Alaska or something)

This way only one country of wankers are destroyed.



well at least we donā€™t know which country in Australia they live in

oh wait


1/1 chance
take ur pick




Ok, pick the state.


Im all in for this idea, just gotta get a good time and place I guess (that isnt school)


Do it in The Outback


Thatā€™s so cute.


I must learn the ways of gaining facial hair.


Or the west has products you can use to grow one, I disagree with that method