Post a Picture of Yourself Thread




@Uniqourn looks sexy if anyone wants to know

grew my hair out pretty long, dont have a pic, well i probably do but too lazy to find it

Edit nvm ive got it
Both of these pics were like Two months before I got my cut so it was pretty long

i took these bc my hair was especially weird. actually the top one was a lot shorter than the bottom one, when the bottom one was as long as it actually looked.


The face of Canadian royalty


When’s the next issue of realm news


Damn that’s long!

Hope you’re doing well mate, I guess math makes you want to pull your hair out lmfao…


But he’s Asian.


that’s racist >:(


no u


Why are there so many Asians playing rotmg.


EpicNecros, GBSlayer, Scorchmist, BLUbeans, Duckymaste, GGaodzilla, SoloSen, Starwartwo, DANMONEY… I wonder…


can’t be our introverted nature…
(even though im extroverted)


I guess I’m the only Asian not in the Asian invasion.


Ur not a real asian tbh



I’m actually 100% Chinese and have like 4 relatives that live in the US, and like 20 in China.


All real Asians are born in Canada, with 100% Chinese parents, that then moved into the US :smirk:


hes got you there @Scorchmist is not only the king of canada but also the king of asians


i have no relatives in the us, get on my level boiiiiiii


Parents, siblings?


i mean, ofc the rents and siblings live here
but like everyone else is in asia


calling parents rents wtf

i have a cousin in the university of mississipi or something and another one going to wsu as well as an aunt in washington and an uncle somewhere in the east so i have a few relatives here outside of my immediate family