Post funny moments in-game!


Edit: This is what happens when you play priest with the Father Time skin

My spelling sucks ik :frowning:




@moderators merge pls   [Done. OB]


This painfully reminds me of when I died on my priest before picking up my first and only event white which coincidentally was also an oreo.






The Death Thread

mfw “from reddit”


Please to God tell me that was on purpose.


I remember that lmao


This knight’s high ass mp roll? surprising.
What’s not surprising is how much Doge saved by switching to Geico.



0 hp? Wait…




you die when you hit -1, not 0 lol
good meme tho



dont worry pajeet was being pajeet and i didnt really get the whole picture. in retrospect the thing i actually disagreed with was using an iconic pic from like 2014 or something for “in game moments”


when u send a pun and she reply with lol lel xd


ok oryx


No problem, now let’s let these people get back to posting “funny in game moments”


And now that the situation is settled i’m going to delete all the previous off-topic comments.