Post funny moments in-game!


OK so what happened i was running around farming dex worlds and stuff and i find a dex world right? so im all alone u know kinda solo playing because i have no one to farm with so i got my headphones on and my music (shoutout to mah boi, u know who u are, this is what he look like = :man:t6::musical_note:) and im kinda fast clearing because rushing is hard because of the slow sprites. so anyways im almost next to the boss room, like RIGHT NEXT to it, and i see this 4 way intersection like the 4 way intersections u see driving on the roads and streets. and guess what it was in the shape of a NAZI :joy: like no joke this minimap was in the shape of a nazi. image

Like what the h*ck is limon like a naziest or something? Why would the maps be the shape of a nazi LOL thats just messed up. Kinda racist towards a select few too like its really inconsiderate of deca games smh my head. Then i was like “what if oryx is a naziest too” cause he controls limon so he’s like hitler. then the REALM CLOSED XD which is like “IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW.” u see i was in the fame train to easily find dex worlds and max my dex, and like oryx closing the realm means that he’s flexing his nazi powers and proving that he has control over the players like actual hitler! i took a picture of it too XD XD XD XDXD XD XD XD

Yeah that was pretty funny, i sent it to my friends and we laughed for a few good minutes. I even missed oryx’s castle typing all of this up LOL.

also almost 300 base fame :smile:


Sarcasm, right? Also, did you mean to reply to me?


im 12 btw lel xD


Looks like a fidget spinner to me.
Or a wind farm thing.
Saying it’s a swastika is stretching it a little imo.


idk what a swatsika is (guessing it has something to do with swatsec?) but it does look like a nazi. i should know since i’m doing a WWII report for my 6th grade social studies class.


A swatstika is the nazi symbol…
And you claim to know what you are talking about?


rude buyer made me miss a tomb ;c


This explains things.

Also, if you want help with that, @ me in the history thread in offtopic.


it was the nazi’s “symbol” during hitler’s reign. because of this, it is highly frowned upon by teachers and if you get caught drawing this stuff at school, you could get in trouble.


Why would anyone draw it, though? What reason does anyone have to draw it? Nazism is basically dead, so the only reason to draw it would be for a historical report, which I don’t think would be frowned upon.


believe it or not, just a few weeks ago someone actually drew a swastika during his english class. his punishment was to read some book about jews and stuff during WWII. (he complained that this was torture, lol)
p.s. he might be russian or something, he is really weird though




I think he’s joking around

how to reply to more than one person at once?


Quote all of them or do @insertnamehere them


Guys this is @bookbookbo. He got banned though, so he plays on @unselfish now.


Didn’t book get ip banned from the forums tho?





I wish :frowning:


nice video!
you spelled watching wrong :frowning: