Post funny moments in-game!


I was just trying to give him free stuff and XP :c


Just because you didn’t enjoy the story, doesn’t mean you have to be rude about it… to out right call someone a 13 year old because you didn’t enjoy their story is kind of a dick move. No hard feelings here, just know for the future you might want to keep your replies of hatred to yourself. Also I don’t want to cause a forums arguement so let’s keep this civil and concise, ok?


somebody drew one at my school in a bathroom…
The principle held an assembly about it making things worse maybe.
don’t draw those at school kiddos


Not hatred, annoyance and the little kids posting random stories.


isnt that the P O I NT ?


Exactly. Also, pretty sure I’m older then you so stop calling me a little kid.


should’ve tagged spixer or smthn there, i got confused for a sec lol


k sure



Did anyone notice that this thread is 80% shitposting and 20% funny moments or is it just me?


So I was doing some ice tombs 2 days ago and couldn’t get anything good, I did like 30. Then @GBSlayer opened one, i noticed his name and we started a conversation. He mentioned he only had that 1 key, and I said “one is enough”. Then I got a frimarra! Kinda predicted the future. I donated after, that was also the only white that I got

Edit: got a sphinx too now
still haven’t used the one I got last year…



I’ve got one ice tomb key from who knows where lol if you need another one


This guy was asking for a free spell, and I had just replaced my t0 poison. So, I teleported to him and offered it to him. He cancelled and left. I said: “What” and then “its a t19 spell”.

He teleported back to me and took it.


Damn t19






I think he just really hates AoE attacks.


:open_mouth: i found an egg without other people!


Oh :c



I got on my ninja first thing yesterday and found an untouched egg basket within a minute and a half by myself.