Post your B-day here! Find your twin!


I’ll go first. Mine is 28 Feb 1997.


early march 1998


Oh wow I thought you were a lot older lmao turns out you’re only a year older than me. June 1999


Dec 15 '99


October 3rd 2001


September 10th 2002


My birthday is April 6 2000


Y’all are old :^)
pings OB


July 4th 2000, I already found a twin


October 25th 2001




Well I already know that I share my birthday with Glawi, which would happen to be August 7th, but I wonder if I share it with anybody else.


April 10 2003
Don’t even think about it.


October 6th, 2000


So you are a 15 year old UGC member?


I already know 2 people (one of them closely) that have the same birthday as me. Guess what day it is!


Monday the 19th of november?

Edit: and also, 14th of October


wtf no
ill start a competition on another thread


wheres my prize

and yes, I did just purposely take that the wrong way
