Potion Storage


The only code that is a mess is the client. The server is running very efficiently, and so are the other systems involved. Following a recent update, Deca was able to understand the client code well enough to nearly obfuscate the entire source.

And your premise that messy code causes all code thereafter to be difficult is not logically correct. You can have 18,000 lines of code that utterly confuses you, something that prevents duping, and all the while program in the next dungeon. This feature that op is talking about is not a pain to implement.


So you’ve worked on the game before, otherwise how can you say this


The stat system and the loot bag system are some of the oldest, and core elements to the game implemented during the ACG game contest. I doubt after eight years that the code hasn’t been understood, well explained, and optimized.

  1. Adding potions to the existing gift chest inventory will not change those players who refuse to clean their gift chest, opposed to those who keep it orderly. This saves vault space for the average player and in turn allows them to utilize those potions with much greater precision.

  2. The soul bound idea was not in the op’s original post. They must’ve edited that in recently. I do not agree with soul bounding potions, that would kill the economy.

  3. OP said “or”, that being said, a separate potions vault would be redundant. There’s already a system in place for sending loot to a player, so use the gift chests.

  4. There is no maximum limit on the gift chest inventory as far as I’m aware. I’m sure it’s some arbitrary number relating to the maximum amount of data a variable or json list can hold. Ah, I was waiting for this one. Deca has not taken steps to ban mules, therefore this argument stands weakly. I would argue that players who are consistently doing well will spend more money on the game, than those who consistently die while maxing because they cant store a certain amount of defense. As players accrue more soul bound items, such as UTs, some STs, and the like, the need for vault space will become apparent. I know I certainly needed the extra space!

  5. No… they wouldn’t. It would just mean more vault space in the end. Mind you, the unlimited space you speak of, is a chaotic hot mess of randomization. Looking for that life amidst the ocean of pet feed and dyes? Good luck! The gift chests would help act as a buffer for a huge vault like that, but it would not serve as a permanent storage solution. Especially with the fact that items cannot be put back in, they change positions every time a vault is entered, and the possibility that they’re not guaranteed to show up in a full gift chest array.

Again, you mention muledump, which I also do enjoy using for my main account, but it can be argued that the usage of mules undermine the profits of Deca. It’s a slipper slope, that one.

EDIT: slippery slope* … though slipper slope sounds fun!


Sounds almost daft, that reply.

How I can say this:

  • I have some expertise in programming languages
  • I have basic understanding of networking
  • I’ve seen the client source code before the obfuscation that happened recently, it was straight forward.
  • I understand how an actionscript3 client would interact with a C++ server, due to self experimentation with game design (No I did not create a private server, or anything closely resembling realm)
  • Seeing at lengths how long the affected code has been in the game, I find it highly improbable that between three companies, and several modifications, code like the loot bag, and potions, would be difficult to modify, especially with the changes Deca and Kabam have implemented within the last three to four years. Deca might know every in and out of the game’s code like Wild Shadow did, but they know enough to implement brand new additions to the code in question, let alone clean up old code.


I’m a professional engineer but I don’t have some clairvocience about a project I’ve never been a part of, to speculate would be foolish of me. I’d rather know or not comment.

Between three companies they still have not eliminated bugs and exploits that have existed since the game began. Loot bags and potions have also not been free of bugs and issues. In fact there has been several occasions where a new patch was made and sb items would become ubsb when dropped.

Realm is no where close to being a well oiled machine


Running with the premise that the potions are gift-chested in order to basically make muledump redundant, I know of a certain player with 144 pots of each def, atk, spd, dex, wis and vit on their muledump. Personally, I’d hate to have it stored in my gift chests and I’d have no room for that in my vaults, so there’s really no way to organize it except with mules. Which’d make it fairly redundant.

My meaning was “what limit does DECA set on storage in the hypothetical potion vault?”. Since we’re focused on gift chests then I do legitimately think that being able to buffer an infinite number of potions is overpowered.

There are a surprising amount of players who buy vaults so that they don’t have to use muledump. But you’re correct, this one is pretty weak.

Yeah they fkn would. These are the investors we’re talking about and omfg the investors will get triggered every single time you touch their investment. The reason DECA doesn’t just nerf pets is the same reason why it’d be unreasonable to remove the need for 100 vaults. The Rotmg investors have paid very good money to be somewhat ahead of everyone else and us just uttering the term “giant potion vault” hurts their very souls.


Considering all pots stored in that fashion would be sb, it wouldnt entirely defeat the purpose of having more vaults to have pots to trade.
There most likely would be a limit of pots if implemented in the game


I’m not sure if it is your idea (and maybe Shatter led me astray?) but I think that, if there were a dedicated chest where you could stack pots, which would convert them to SB in the process, it would be alright and I’d be fine. Although using muledump buying vault chests just to keep things tradeable would still be better imo for def, atk, mana and life.


Thats kinda what I said in the OP.


I was thinking that but Shatter did really confuse us by saying they’d automatically go to the gift chests. Your idea without that feature is decently solid.


Do you want to view the source code of the client? Need I explain how the loot system works? I make an educated guess on how easy or difficult a task can be, without being engaged in the task itself. I’m not saying that I’ve seen the server side code, however I can extrapolate from experience that adding a few lines of code will not take considerable difficulty. Why, you want to make this ideal of a source code that is so difficult, a few lines cannot be added without the whole game breaking is beyond me.

There will always be exploits in the game, due to the nature of coding. No matter how well you design something, or comb over with a fine diamond tooth. Whenever modifications occur, yes, bugs can follow suit, but that should not deter any programmer from writing code in the first place. You find the source of it and fix it. Most times, modification to loot bags have not resulted in bugs. The biggest issue with items in the first place is the communities’ unending assault of duping, finding exploit after exploit. In a way, this forces bugs to be fixed, although Kabam decided to soul bound items instead of fixing the issue. Loot is primarily handled through the server, that is why you haven’t seen any white bag hacks out there. The problem only occurs with inventory management, a dual client and server side process. But… this is a tangent.

I never said it was! The code is far from perfect, and there’s a good deal of reason why the game hasn’t been easily ported over yet. This still does not affect the difficulty of adding a few lines of code.

Do you think it was difficult to add the new bags? No, from a programming stance it wasn’t. More work went into planning drop tables, sprites, and the organizational process.


Muledump is a third party service unafiliated with Deca Games and Realm of the Mad God. Adding this feature has no effect on those with mules, you can continue to have mules regardless of this change.

I think you’ve missed a point here. It isn’t overpowered due to the nature of gift chests themselves. Imagine a bank with infinity capacity, but you could only view some 200 bills at a time. What if you needed to find that life potion, or mana potion? But you had to keep re-entering your gift chest to find it? Players would be encouraged to move things into their vault space.

Maturity, I like it! Cheers!

On a totally side-related point, you can just spell fucking. I would understand if your entire message used abbreviation slang, but this is the only word that you shortened.


I’ve unlocked every vault space. I have 30 or so character slots. I have mules, and my mules have mules. I’ve poured a ton of money into the game, and I’m not triggered. And you’re misusing the word investor here. We as players who do not invest, but rather exchange currency for virtual money. The argument that this potion idea would hurt players because vault space would become redundant, is redundant itself. Muling already does that. A free to play can use fifty mules and never have to pay a cent for vault space. As someone who has that “100 chests” I am not threatened or angry at such a player, and I would happily enjoy the potion feature. Note that the vault would still be used to hold soul bound items, and non soul bound items, and potions! You cannot put things back into your gift chest, and I don’t foresee this change actually freeing up vault space, but rather backpack space.

Again, the usage of mules, and the unofficial support for mule dump and realmeye has undermined backpacks and vault chests, so the addition of potion chests or going to gift chests do not change the status quo.


Question: How do you write such detailed responses?


Guys I have a better idea, how about just drink all your pots?


But what if they are maxed tho in a stat?


With the formatting, or with the writing itself? For the latter, I’m an avid reader and writer. For the former, there’s plenty of tools at your disposal when writing on the forums.

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ofc fam, but I’d much rather save that for when I genuinely want the word to have impact.

I already knew that you weren’t triggered. But I’ve done community management in the past and there are a significant amount of angry massive spenders whenever you mess with anything that undermines what they’ve already spent anyway. As an example (although this isn’t one I was on the game staff side for), both times that Runescape has opened member-only worlds for 48 hours, there have been an extremely outspoken portion of paying members who have felt physically insulting with the very proposition of letting people who haven’t payed money even touch their side of the game for even the shortest period of time. I’m just saying that they do exist, and although they’d probably not hurt Jagex’s economy, they’re just really fucking annoying. It’s just a personal trigger of mine, really. I don’t actually know how many people would go so far as to boycott spending on Rotmg if this specific feature was added, but there would be at least that one guy… (If we did have access to a breakdown of what people spend their realm gold on then I’d have a more solid opinion on how it might affect spending)

I feel as if every point has become a tangent, especially since I would actually be completely fine with this feature (if it didn’t go automatically through gift chests (which I, again, am pretty sure were not OP’s original intentions (but I also can’t fully tell?))). It just seems a little underwhelming because we have tools like muledump for storing pots. But yeah a feature like this would imo serve multiple levels of players pretty well: Free storage for newcomers and less hassle for older players when it comes to potting new characters.


Aye, glad we could come to an agreement! Cheers!


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