Power creep discussion


Here’s a quick fun game to play while you read this post: take a shot every time you read “power creep” Last person to die wins. *

Power creep is a problem that plagues games that are continually expanding and creating opportunities to get loot, and this most certainly includes Rotmg.

Power creep definition

“Power creep is a process that sometimes occurs in games where new content slowly outstrips the power of previous alternatives. This leads to players abandoning previous options in favor of the latest and more powerful alternatives, resulting in an inevitable increase in power throughout the game.

Rotmg is a game that will have to be in constant development for the player base to stay fresh and not stagnate. This means that Deca will have to add new content periodically to keep the gameplay entertaining.

Now, this doesn’t mean Deca can only add more and more difficult dungeons, but they will have to raise the difficulty level at some point and add a more difficult dungeon than the Lost Halls. When that happens, they will have to add UT items and Tiered items that are more powerful than the previous items.

Slowly but surely, the high-level skilled players will gain items that will allow them to do more and more damage faster and faster. This is a problem because high-level players will be able to take soulbound from lower level players with less and less effort.

Because Rotmg can’t stagnate, and not adding harder dungeons and better loot means stagnation, how can Deca fix this problem? I have a suggestion that I think is interesting, but I’d also like to see you guys discuss how much of a long-term problem you see power creep being, and how you would solve it if you saw it as a problem at all.

My solution

Add “High Realms” that are only accessible by orange star ranks and above. These realms will function radically different from normal realms. High Realms will be where all endgame content after the LH resides. Almost all overworld enemies will gain new behaviors and get their damage boosted significantly, and completely different sprites to mix things up. Setpiece bosses will be changed, and the difference will be like the difference between O1 and O2, aka much more dangerous and difficult.

Tiered and Untiered items that originate from the High Realms will function normally, but when the items are brought to the normal realms, they will suffer a damage reduction to make them function similarly to normal realm items, but they will retain their unique properties if they are UT.

The fame system will be replaced in High Realms by the Glory system, which will function fundamentally differently.

Glory will be awarded at the death of quests which will vary for all players with the exception of setpiece bosses. Glory will be awarded according to a few different factors.

If you achieved your personal damage threshold on the boss, which will vary from class to class, you will be awarded a set amount of glory according to the difficulty of the boss or quest you vanquished, and you will qualify for other bonuses if they apply. Only a set amount of Glory would be awarded for each boss according to how many people are present, so generally, the larger the group, the smaller your chance at the Glory pool, but the smaller the group, the more Glory you might be able to hoard for yourself. Bear in mind that these are just examples and that you would only be able to recieve one Glory bonus in addition to hitting your SB Glory.

Bonus 1: Glory awarded for berzerking allies
Bonus 2: Glory awarded for healing allies
Bonus 3: Glory awarded for attack boosting allies
Bonus 4: Glory awarded for armoring allies
Bonus 5: Glory awarded for being the first to arrive at the event or boss
Bonus 6: Glory awarded for being the first to damage the event or boss
Bonus 7: Glory awarded for landing the killing blow to the event or boss.

Of course, the amount of bonus glory you receive would vary from bonus to bonus, for example, being first to arrive at the boss would reward less than healing three of your allies.

This would solve the fame training epidemic and make Glory an actually desirable commodity.

Glory could be used for exclusive skins and pet skins and would be immediately spendable, rather than only spendable when your character dies.

Anyways, that about sums it up.

Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think! Discuss and debate!


I can see warriors consistently able to get 3 of the bonuses
what about armoring allies bonus?
what does glory do?
how do we collect glory (on chars or put in account)?

also some1 started on buffing everything in realm for a new type of realm but idk where it went
(other regs pls help me link it somewhere)

also theres this rumor going around about elder realms…


Good point, maybe 1 bonus per character is enough.

Forgot, will add.[quote=“Wafflelead, post:2, topic:21923”]
what does glory do?
…like I said, you could use it for exclusive character and pet skins, or maybe save it up to buy uniquely ID’ed UT items that you can only buy with Glory. (so that they’d be undupable)

What difference does it make haha, you can instantly spend Glory anyways.


what if…
you couldnt bring your pet into this buffed realm

also what % (or flat number) would these glory bonuses give?


I don’t think I like the star requirement for your solution, that would just encourage fame training even more than it is already.


First of all, credit where credit is due, I think you did a good job thinking this up but I think there’s a problem with the Normal Realm you mentioned: There is no more reason for the players ranked Orange Star and above to stay in Normal Realms since the damage they do is reduced given that they get their hands on a new tiered/UT item. Since only Orange Stars and above can participate in High Realm events, it leaves the newer players (Red Stars and below) in the Normal Realms to fend for themselves with dungeons like The Shatters and dangerous bosses that they may not know how to fight. Granted the bosses may be weakened, that doesn’t mean they still aren’t dangerous. At the very least in the current state of RotMG, newer players can mimic the movements of more experienced players to get a grasp of how to tackle enemies such as the Avatar of the Forgotten King or even regular gods like the Ent God or Medusa. With this separation between new and old players, this could mean a new game entirely where only the strongest survive and the rest perish in the process.


A purpose of soulbound thresholds is to mitigate effects of power creep. You say that “high-level players will be able to take soulbound from lower level players with less and less effort”, but haven’t presented any evidence of this.


isnt that the theme of the game tho

its a learning experience


High level people hate sprites (too many pots to hold)

At least i do, though im only red

So lower levels get dex maxed ezpz, and can compete for loot.


That’s true but a bigger theme of the game is everyone working together to defeat the ‘final boss’, Oryx.


everyone working together?


everyone - the orange star + players because they will b too busy fighting the next “final boss”


I beg in 5 year if rotmg don’t die before that
Priest is immortal


lmao not ever happened since kabam took over right?


Rotmg in general


Hmm true that, but there’s still gonna be a significant division between the players


So basically you want elder realms?


That’s what it sounded like to me


I don’t have evidence because it’s not a problem yet, but it certainly will be a problem when new and more powerful UT items are introduced.


Nah, the point would be to have a harder realm where the pets are balancers rather than unbalancers.

Also I have no idea the percentage. I’m just throwing a vague idea out there.