[Prod] Petless Void Solo w/o O3 items or OP consumables (8:20)



CandyShi OP plz nerf


Next up you have to make a new account, get that entire set, max a warrior and do it again without the exaltations.


I’ve got the maxed warrior, just need the items ;-;

Also i need a break from challenges lol


Gets an instant like for the pmd music.


Easy, just do it with a T12/5/13/5 set to really show your dominance.

Edit: thanks @Dbiz for reminding me how this game works since I had obviously forgotten.


do it without a character.


Someone said do an assassin solo and I wonder if it would be possible. Probably not but ngl that would be the coolest thing ever. Also I love how you got 2 mana pots for all that :rofl:


wow thats even more op, A T13 HELM???
Real challenge is T0/T0 with nothing else


Not sub 5 minutes? smh my head

jk nice work


maybe if I do a solo with o2 tops only @unicorn will do a void solo :thinking:


im quit retired btw

but srs, if I were to eventually do one it wouldn’t be petless or this ridiculous bs… yall on a whole nother lvl


Is pally solo possible? Or sorc solo? Or wizard solo?


(just posted today)


no op stuff? ehh probably not.

Regular void solo? all classes should be possible with good rng and exaltations.
Sorc, toss up. You’d have to be a wand class main to know if aiming luminaire is feasable.

Wizard, pretty easy imo. Fungal spell/cult staff to shred minions, mp pot space bar mashing when it goes mid.


do that btl thing and solo shats void on all classes. and pls put me in the description when i donate patties brews dex effs k thx bai


when I exalt all my chars.

edit: also once i get an 100/100 heal mheal attack close pet :^)


What about with op stuff?


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