Producer's Letter: Oryx 3 and DC's


Right off the bat, I notice that the new UT dagger seems like a superior version of UT daggers in both range and damage. Unless it has a weird shot pattern or slow projectile speed? (Or if daggers are finally getting their needed buff)


I honestly just go to different servers because my Best Server is completely dead.


Sorry to be that guy, but…




Sturkology? Sturkiometrics?


The prism seems to have a very underpowered effect unless I’m missing something. No tp and an unreliable decoy with a chance of lasting only a few seconds? Hopefully they make the decoy spawn on the cursor, that may be able to redeem it

(Although, 4 atk and dex is pretty spicy)


Looks like it spawns on cursor, in which case its exactly the kind of prism we’ve theory crafted for so long.

Sadly its locked behind a generally harmful teleport and a low duration.


It has no teleport and the duration could theoretically last like a minute, all up to chance (though it’d be 4 seconds average)


What are the chances of it lasting in nexus for 24 hours before server reset?


One chance on 0.00000578703 or one on ~1 million


They should cap it at 600 seconds… It can be spammed as many times as you want… you have a lot of time.


Announces that I will spawn 3 coins at once offering a life to anyone who can guess which one will remain longest, if they lose they give me a life



Bruh this is the wrong thread… You specifically Ludwig :sob:


This is the right thread


okay, but how do you do 3 coins at once?


I think a good counter-balance would be to offer different increasingly valuable rewards depending on who gambled on which coin. The first coin obviously has a slightly higher chance of perishing than the other two, so offer the highest reward for that, and so forth.


actually, assuming all coins are active at the same time, and that the 1 second timer is the same for all, the probabilities of them turning silver are independant on how long they already lasted. I.e. as long as all three are up it doesnt matter.

edit: i mean if they are all gold still once the 3rd one is up.


I’m not terribly sure that you can release them at the same time without 3 chars with the coins simultaneously, though. Hypothetically, what you say is sound, but I was trying to account for the limiting factor of coordination.


yea, probs the best way to account for hat is half a second leeway between the coins for a tie.


Hm, I could do it one at a time and count the spins for each one…