Producers Letter: Updates on the Game


I’ve split the patch notes off onto their own topic so we can have discussion about the Producer’s Letter/the future of the game here, and talk about the patch update on the other topic.


RIP me gonna be in the land of the great firewall from June to August


I also just remembered…

Sword nerf, anyone? ÔuÔ


no please
e s a e l p


Hopefully just a damage nerf

We really need a dagger buff


Does seem like they planned to buff Daggers.
Hopefully they also buff the lower-tiered ones, since those are the ones that really make a difference at the moment for newer players.
They’re just so weak!


This is good so it won’t overlap the beginning of school.

What is “procs” short for?

Otherwise, an interesting letter, keep it up.


literally the info box when you google it


Melee Weapon…
For Doing…
More damage…
Than a safe…
easy to use…


Because swords deal too much dps even with bad range


Swords are pretty overpowered right now. They’re not going to lower the damage to be equal with or less than their ranged counterparts, but right now swords do a stupid amount of damage, even when you take the shorter range into account.


I’ll just point to this post by Xaklor, which should hopefully help you understand why Swords should deal less damage. Or why melees should be nerfed in some way, at least.


Fact is all of y’all, including zaklor have non-melee profile pics. Literally would be a-ok with what is being said, but it really seems like no one here is a melee main, and is jealous of a class that they can play if they want. Back when I ran 6/8 melees there were times when I should’ve gotten my damage in but didn’t, not just because I’m a melee(although I didn’t have pixie sword) and literally being the punching bag for others and not getting damage in led me to stop playing melee


Please tell me you’re being sarcastic.


I main a melee. I have a 20k jugg warrior.

Swords absolutely need to be nerfed. Being able to cut through pretty much anything with Acclaim like butter is broken. The proposed change is a damage nerf, yes, but it puts the shot speed up to near cutlass. Cutlass is way easier to aim due to the high shot speed, so the change isn’t a nerf in my eyes but more of an adjustment, which I’m fine with.


Swords get a huge damage boost relative to other weapons, even when we factor in their reduced range. In addition to this, they are some of the most survivable classes, and can eat way more bullets than other classes without consequence.

Now, this does sound obvious, given that that was what melees were made to do, right? Well, things worked out better in the past when pets weren’t in the game and being able to go deep was a sign of skill. To go deep, a melee player had to be able to dodge most of the shots fired at them, get close enough to their target to land a few crucial hits and then retreat to spend a great deal of time replenishing their hp. High dps was important because those few hits might be the only one the player could get, and could very well be their only shot at soulbound damage. Melees worked well with other classes, and were relatively balanced. Then pets came.

Nowadays, things are a little different. Gone are the days when a melee’s attempt at soulbound was limited to what they could get in a strafing run or two. With pets capable of keeping the player alive for extended periods of time in bullet-dense fights, melees can reliably stay close to the boss and deal insane amounts of damage in relative safely (there are obvious exceptions: endgame boss fights such as those in LH, nest and similarly ranked dungeons are understandably harder to stand close to). Other classes are completely outmatched by their survivability and damage, which is why this type of nerf is necessary. You personally may have had trouble getting in damage as a melee, but the majority of the community does not have that problem.


Now I account the arguments, the opinions sampled previously consisted of everyone with only robe class bio pics, having only one demographic commonly voids said opinions


A statement that, seperately, holds true.
However, what you’re implying with this is that none of those who gave their opinion on the nerf know how melees function, based on their choice of profile picture.

Sure, most of the time, someone uses their favourite class as pfp.
But that says nearly nothing on how much they play melee classes. For all you know, they might have more experience than you in that field.

Please understand that melees are currently too strong to stay like this.


Man that’s like saying since your an orange star you don’t know enough about the game to have a valid opinion.

Not really all that good analysis.


I mean seems true too, since everyone is calling me out…