

That can display/allow me to edit a 174 GB .txt file? Anyone know of one? Everything alls wayyy short,intellij only going up to 2.5mb and notepad reaches 1.5gb


You could edit it directly wih a short self written programm and or/ use it to disply parts of it.


If you don’t mind answering - what the hell is in the 174GB txt file?




So… just 174Gb of the number 42?


And to actually answer this, this program can apparently support files up to 248 GB or 2.1 billion lines:
Don’t know how or even if it works, but it is what google got me.


I actually ran into this the other day. I don’t know what edits you intend to make, or why, but here’s what I had to do to extract info from a 4GB+ file. This assumes you’re on windows.

Install glogg. It’s open source freeware that allows you to quickly open, navigate, and search (with regex, if necessary) enormous files.

Download HJSplit, another freeware program but one that doesn’t need installed. Use this to split the huge file into smaller chunks of a size your favorite editor can handle. Make the edit, then use HJSplit to join it all back together again.


So his file probably has over 1 billion lines?

Is he hiring monkeys to write the next big hit at random? Because I couldn’t imagine anyone has time to write that many lines nor the patience.


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