PT: Challenger Mode #2


i cant open challenger mode on flash player, only the browser

okay, turns out the linked flash player link is to the default client, not testing


Deca the trolls


Itā€™s already unlocked for Uncommon, which is why you canā€™t upgrade it.


Actually it is quite advantageous and this bug was here last session too (feed your pet, and you get your legacy fame). If you have a pet w/ good abilities, you donā€™t need to find another egg of the same family to fuse; simply change family of some random pet in your pet yard using your main fame.


I hope in the future thereā€™s a quest for t5 abilities.

Also I got trolled by the CC armor at a hermit.


I like the challenger mode so far, but thereā€™s one thing I donā€™t like;

I was hoping for a game mode I could continually play when I want to, limiting the amount you can play challenger kinda ruins it for me

I know there needs to be something to keep the leaderboard for the top players, so maybe allow us to continue playing in challenger after weā€™ve run out of characters but characters we make after the limit donā€™t count toward the leaderboard, thisā€™ll allow people that like the mode to keep playing it without getting barred from it due to a death limit.


Itā€™s ruined. Another USS gameplay.


Is this real money purchasing? microtransactions really need to be completely seperate from challenger mode, that defeats the purpose of putting everyone on an even ground, rich people can just buy their eggs and start off with a direct advantage compared to other players.


Minor detail:

The FP rewards should be reworked based on the difficulty of the dungeon.

E.g. 3 sprite world marks = 500 FP, 3 UDL marks = fries (250? i forgot), 3 snake marks = soda (150 FP) etc.


Iā€™ll make this post my main feedback post and edit it as needed.

  • I was assuming the legacy/challenger fame problems would be fixed, but apparently they are still there. This still affects upgrading the pet yard from what Iā€™ve seen (draws from legacy fame instead) and must be fixed before this gets to prod because it makes no sense. Make it properly cost 0 fame.

  • The egg change (regarding purchasing eggs in Nexus) is definitely an improvement, I like it.

  • I saw a screenshot of someone getting the treasure map that opens TCave upon reaching level 20 on ninja, on challenger. That should probably be patched out.

Overall, still as fun, I personally think once any issues Iā€™ve mentioned are fixed then itā€™s absolutely good to go on prod (disclaimer: still on a 0/8 atm).


Minor detail, why not have the pet yard fully upgraded from the start?


Wasnā€™t that already the case, or can you indeed not hatch uncommons?


Crying and shaking rn


I really hope that challenger will reignite that spark in ROTMG again for people, even if I really doubt it. Iā€™m just praying that unity comes out before ROTMG dies.


Uhhh why not fix the issue for all enemies? The issue applies for tomb bosses, thessal, etc.


Iā€™m guessing kidd didnā€™t actually get that to happen in the way you would think. instead, I would assume he set up some backwards way doing that like having O2ā€™s fame distributed by a helper object that gets spawned upon his death and then kills itself to distribute fame. if thatā€™s the case, then itā€™ll be sent to whoeverā€™s closest and then distributed like normal. adding a workaround like that for every single enemy (or even just all the bosses) would be a massive undertaking and would make everything even sloppier on the backend then it is already. actually getting fame/xp to distribute in a way that makes sense is a more fundamental issue that canā€™t be addressed atm afaik.


I expect challenger mode will be ruined once the clients get released and the hackers start rushing dungeons and the legit players canā€™t get near eventsā€¦


Bug with pet yard cant upgrade
Cant upgrade for coins

Cant upgrade for fame ā€“ 0
Cant upgrade for fame ā€“ >0
I didnt play on testing before.
sry for my eng.


Got to 800 Fame 6/8 this time around not going to be able to participate in the rest of it as Iā€™m not going to be home for the rest of the weekend but I once again enjoy myself basically all the same bugs are still there which is a bit annoying

I hope greater potions are thing that stick with Seasons as it feels much more rewarding itā€™s still a grind but it doesnā€™t become a tedious grind

Thatā€™s all for now good luck on the leaderboards


This is actually such a great thing, itā€™s likely to do with the fact weā€™re so used to maxing taking up a certain amount of time that anything else (especially ~1/2 less time) feels great. Rumour has it itā€™s coming to prod real soon, hope to see everyone there owo

Also nice to see some familiar names on the leaderboards, some Japanese players this time and old names I havenā€™t seen in a while ;D