PT: Challenger Mode


Maybe guarantee vit/def from abyss again? I don’t know if this is the case already but I ran around 5 abysses (b/c I didn’t have much time to play challenger only around 2 hours) and only got vit in groups. Otherwise, challenger mode made me want to play RotMG again, which is not something very easy to do nowadays with how many other games coming out that I want to play.


That reminds me there was a glitch where if you feed your pet any item, your account fame switches to your legacy fame. Then you can use that to switch a pet’s family, making it considerably easier to fuse (b/c u don’t need to hunt for another egg of that family, or farm the 1k fame needed for that switch). Creds to heraldist for help me exploit…:astonished:


imo I don’t really see the appeal to me it just seems like regular realm but with less content. Personally I prefer the fast paced gameplay that pets provide. Even though waiting for your vit to kick in has its own charm, its not as fun for someone who has always had pets. If other people enjoy it that’s fine but I will probably just stick to the main game.

This mini-season was truly a breath of fresh air. Even got a few of my old buddies to play it who had lost all interest in the current cesspool of prod.

In the 7-8 hours that I had played I played as a warrior with a wizzy on the side in the case I would rip, luckily that did not happen. In those 7 hours I was able to max my warrior to 5/8 with the greater potions, and I must say, those dungeons felt REWARDING, and by god it was nice only having to do 10 sprites instead of 20.

The absence of godly pets was very interesting as well, taking me directly back to the olden days, the days when you’d hug a priest leg until they accidentally pressed spacebar and gave you some of their holy juice so you could continue killing shit. Having to actually manage your health instead of just being hooked up to a blood infuser from your pet gave the game another layer of complexity and made for more risk/reward decisions. Even mana management was a great part of the pet-less saga, where I actually had to use mana potions.
And the bloody scavenger hunts on LotLL for mp/hp pots were savage as you were trying to swipe as many pots as possible.

The tinkerer quests were a nice addition. The mark situation however, will have to be slapped down in the complaints.

Now for my complaints;

  • Firstly, there was a fine gentleman who had gold from eons ago, from when you could still glitch gold in testing, and he was popping keys. That by itself, was by far the worst part of the experience as it felt like the cancer of USSouth all over again.
  • Secondly, the fucking marks. The god damn marks. There is simply no storage space for containing all of the marks, unless you specifically farm for just one dungeon. And this could be so easily fixed by just allowing us to stack the marks into stacks of 8. If you can create a “Hello World” program, you can create an object to stack 8 fucking marks.
  • Thirdly, this complaint is minor and will likely be fixed in an actual challenge season; Guilds. I was unable to have a guild with which I could rob Guill of his mp/hp potions. DECA pls fix.

All in all I do hope that these seasons bring us something akin to Path of Exile where we get a fresh start every few months with hopefully new content. New content that is not insta-killing trash that rushes into your face.


Honestly if people were using keys to max mana and life then maybe DECA should add the 3 epic dungeons also, I see no harm in that and the UTs would be nice.
I really enjoyed the gamemode, the teamwork was awesome, and the thrill of actively dodging attacks was great. If you’re doing things based off Wild Shadow then I suggest you add every event and dungeon they made because things got stale after saturday night for me. It would be cool to have a challenger exclusive event/dungeon.

I didn’t get 2 slots or 2 vaults but my only complaint would also be the marks taking up space.


I thought Challenger Mode was super fun.


you’re the insane man who got orange star on it right?


As a firm believer that pets were a mistake, I’m more than a little disappointed with that regard. Last time I consistently played was 4 years ago though so I’m probably not the target audience.

The rest of the concept sounds very exciting though.


I love the idea of challenge mode but I still think pets are too powerful at level 70, even 50.

According to this link I found ( a level 50 heal pet is 70 vit and a 50 mheal pet is 50 wis, this is a huge amount of vit and wis that changes the stats to beyond the original intention and balance of the class and makes classes.
I completely agree with some other people here saying remove heal and mheal, lower the pet cap or even completely remove pets!

But this is a great idea and I will definetly play it!


I played challenger mode for 5(?)ish hours, and here are the highlights: (same character, 0 deaths)


OT #1


EP denial #1


Oryx #1 lmao

EP denial #2





I also recorded a video of a problem, I had gold on my testing account for some reason and it transferred over to challenger mode, where I could buy stuff from the nexus. It’s on my computer at my dads house, so I’ll try to get it uploaded/posted here in a couple days.


level 50 was the max. getting a heal/mheal pet, and maxing it in 4 days is quite a challenge, because you can’t use anything but pet food to feed it.
I was very lucky getting an uncommon humanoid egg yielding a heal/mheal/decoy baby, which I leveled up to 50/43. most people seemed to have way worse pets.
but, by the time I got that egg, I already had a level 30 common pet with heal, so I wasted quite a few pet food items on that.
the heals my pet gave were okay to maintain hp in most situations with normal dodging, but it’s clearly not enough to tank anything. level 50 heal means 23 hp every 2.66 seconds. priests, necromancers, and paladins with their buffed (compared to 2012) abilities heal you a lot more than that.


I am confusion as I haven’t been keeping up with RotMG (@CandyShi knows the truly superior mmorpg that got blocked for people who aren’t VIP), what is the incentive for playing going to be after it gets released to prod? What specifically are the challenges? Is it still gonna have p2w aspects? Is it just like a ranked mode but for RotMG?


Undisclosed rewards that will be transferable to your main account. I’d guess special cosmetics, vanities, who knows. Kidd says he can’t say yet.

No pet, build your character up like it was 2012 :sunglasses:

Atm yeah sadly. They’re not selling pet food (which was how Kabam saved rotmg’s ass from dying) but pet eggs, backpacks, vaults/slots, keys…some of which are kinda OP.


PT Challenger mode part 2 coming soon, hype


limited lives hraha


:crab: more challenger mode :crab:


By the time the testing session ended I had a max uncommon pet with heal mheal and it isn’t so much the heal that gets me but the mheal. I was on a priest and it really helped keep my mana up, which basically removes any risk if I play safe, which is easy for a priest. Many abilities didn’t get any exploration or love due to heal and mheal when pets were introduced. I think they should remove those 2 abilities for challenger, as even maxed uncommon allowed me to tank a lot more since I had both heal and mheal essentially going towards my healing and it would bring out some interesting and unconventional ability combinations with pets.


I suppose you had prot + pyra from one of those tombs opened with keys. those items with lvl 50 mheal and maxed wis were op for sure.
in my opinion, the real problem was the use of keys. they provided easy access to UTs, pet food, and pots.


I disliked PT Challenger mode.

I think TheVulture hit the nail on the head. Honestly the gold issue will be a colossal disaster for a Challenger mode going forward. The game developers have forced themselves into an uncomfortable corner.

On one hand they can make a full vault access challenge mode with no keys or eggs. That won’t make them any money.

However, if they do allow spending the leaderboards become absolutely meaningless and whoever can pop the most dungeons and store the most marks will win. Buying eggs will also let you get heal mheal faster.

I’d also like to add that waiting for your hp to recharge to battle Dreadstump isn’t challenging it’s just lame.

Additionally I’d also add that my suspicions were correct and classes like the assassin are absolutely overpowered if the only objective is to survive and collect marks.

If this Challenger mode went live it would just be: play assassin -> bomb tombs and bomb oryx -> repeat. And literally the person with no life will win.

Seriously it’s essentially impossible to die in a tomb or oryx as an assassin if you’re playing safe.


season 1 was already on prod