PT: Fungal Cavern part 2 UTs


Actually, that was fixed back in this patch, including damage from the Ghostly Prism and Dire Instability, Drake Eggs, etc…


If you look at other games like rotmg, not including pservers (lets use Steam Birds as an example), they are just adding new content for the sake of making the game more fun. What Rotmg is doing is adding content to indirectly balance. What this means is they are making things anti-melee because melees are op. They are making abilities that require you to stay in the same spot in order to use it because of steamrolling (our earliest example was the mseal, and now many of these new uts). This means that we are giving players a more over powered item just to prevent them from steamrolling. It really is a shame that Wild Shadow’s game had devolved into this. Im not going to blame this completely on Deca, as kabam was partly to blame (especially with pets).
Pets should not be nerfed purely because of the amount of money spent on them. Everyone knows this is the reason they are still overpowered. But instead of buffing weak classes and items to make them better, sometimes you have to add some nerfs. I don’t think there have been many in the past, and I personally cannot remember any.
Making some nerfs will upset the current players but I think that new players would feel less weak and would be more likely to continue playing if old players were not so much stronger than them. Every class should be good at some things and bad at others so that players select their character based on what they like and what is the most fun. The same applies to uts and sts.
It seems like Deca is focusing on making their older players happy rather than making it a more quality game. Imo this is one of the biggest factors of older players saying the game is dying.
Wildshadow had an extremely well balanced game because they created a game to get members. The kabam and Deca have a poorly balanced game because they are trying to keep the players they already have by avoiding changes that are good for the game just to keep them happy


nerfs have come up several times during deca’s reign, but every time they progress to the point where it’s ready to be presented to the public they chicken out (some of them were actually pretty clever and cool :c). the few times they finally to present it via public testing, most players throw a fit because they don’t want to lose hold of their op stuff (berserk/damaging nerfs). they care about keeping what they have more than what’s actually good for the game in the long term. and unfortunately, it appears to have worked in their favor. deca has once again backed out of making real progress because of the backlash of the spoiled community. very sad.

also I hope the shield never reaches prod. this has nothing to do with your comment, I just don’t like it.


Honestly, some of these feel a lot like they’d be cool vanity abilities.
We’ve not really had any of those aside from the MotMG ones, so…


PT 2-8-2019
Updated feedback for the changes made since my previous post.


The Trap and Spell do not currently count as damage done by the player. So they do not count for SB dmg and they do not show if you only show your own damage numbers using the experimental settings.


The spell makes a lot of noise, it is very loud for some reason and the sound makes no sense with a mushroom.


I think the changes to the shield are a step in the right direction, however the 10 second cooldown feels way too high. I think it could be slightly reduced.


The radius on the poison is very small, making it very hard to actually armor break enemies with it. I do like it being quite hard to land but its very punishing right now for the difficulty and strength of the item to actually work. I still think the +attack is a bit of a weird thing that doesn’t really fit the assassin gameplay.


Trap has a very small AoE for the enemies it actually hits. Its pretty difficult for it to hit as much as a regular trap does. I think this trap is very similar to ST trap and the Cnidarian Poison from Reef. It has a much lower radius than both of these items. Compared to the poison it deals a lot less damage, and compared to the ST trap is has a little more damage, however it has no slow removing a lot of the usefulness of the item.


The ring actually triggers now. However the low stats on the ring doesn’t make it very worth to use in general, and the 3 seconds of invis every minute is a very minor buff as well. I think the cooldown on the invis could be decreased significantly, since it still has the requirement of taking over 100 damage as well.


There’s two minor remarks but nothing really important. I think the new shot sprites really do not look good on the big purple mushroom and it makes the rotation harder to see it seems.

I think the worms in the dungeon have a slightly too long invulnerability period after their bodyparts are destroyed. It feels like you are waiting a bit too long for no real reason or significant danger in most cases.


Why that spell is mushroom related? If it drops from crystal worm, why not make crystal spawn instead. I mean that mushroom looks really bad, also sound is too loud and the whole effect don’t make sense with the sound. As a wizard lover, I don’t want good item to be not used by the look/ sound. Please make it crystal related if it’s still possible and polish the sprites. I think the least thing we all want is kabam era sprites.


Spell doesn’t spawn shrooms in one tile narrow places.

The spell’s probably my favourite new item atm, stacking that shit does some insane dps. For some context, two placements of this spell can kill a shats switch, whereas you usually need 3 (?) ST spell bombs to clear it.


The tome isn’t affected by wismod (I guess 80~ wis will equal 165 heal) but I do love that it can be spammed making it very hard to die in a cluster of mushrooms.


I dont know if im the only one who thinks that, but the new armor sprite is disgusting, i prefer the old one.


It has already been done solo petless.


It looks so fugly and the shroom is even worse… I hope its not final version…


Event boss

  • no limit to how many shrooms can spawn at the last phase
  • also, those shrooms have pretty high HP
  • the mine ‘entrance’ is kinda annoying when dealing with enemies b/c they get stuck there
  • what’s special about Wave 3 that it gets an announcement but other waves don’t?

(clip below isn’t slowed down…just super laggy lmfao)


They dont keep spawning… Those are just the big ahrooms right… Holy shit we’re all gonna die


I can already see how literally no one do this encounter… Why it has to be so massive and time consuming, why it can’t be like temple statues were and all the encounters before…



why what? Why. why are we Testing a new spell when we already have 3 obtainable ones, one more than is from the madgod mayhem and another from the easter event, and another which isa vanity.
Why are we getting a prism when we already have 3 prisms, and one that is a valentine vanity?

Or a tome? mind you we already have 4 obtainable tomes, and the holy ferror tome which was handed out for the quest. so now we’re getting a 6th tome?? and then we have classes like ninja, with litteraly 2 stars, one that is an event white and super situational, and another the midnight star. arguably rarer than most whites in the game
And rogue? 2 cloaks, one an event white, and the other from the mad god mayhem which is a super exclusive white.

And what about the armors? really? REALLY? just one heavy armor that boosts vit for the classes that already have the highest ammount of HP, Def and vit (sorry samurai) like come on WHY??

solution? i dunno, make a version of all 3 armors, lower the vit while increasing vit’s effect…its about time you know.
Ut trap is a definite yes if you ask me, a shield maybe as the other 3 are extreemly rare. Ut cloak and Ut star should be a thing instead of the tome and the spell (prism gets a pass cause it looks like the tail of the boss)

extra: make the armors follow color scheme of mushrooms and drop in cyan bags, like the red heavy armor instead is green and drops from the green mushroom but has a speed penalty? a purple robe that has a huge mana penalty? and i dunno maybe make the leather armor red and give it an HP penalty or something, go crazy with it.

And isn’t it about time jade and garnet stop dropping the same white? give the jade spell to jade, give the madgod cloak to O2 (not O1, cause that will completly ruin janus, people are greedy) and give the clarity shield to the new event boss. people have been complaining about the decaract whites being so exclusive in a dungeon that is so unfair, and yet you keep brushing players off like we’re just some kids asking for a cig from the guy half drunk sitting on the curb…


Looks like leechers wont be a problem anymore!
Too bad non-rushing classes will have a hard time getting to them




You baited me !


No thats real


Why not?


k changed the wiki


the link is red because there’s not a link yet