PT Up/Down Thread


no. if you arfe getting the could not download build error, you need to allow it through your firewall, or disable it to start the download, then enable it


no, there was a giant lag spike 2 minutes ago and now we’re unable to connect





This just happened again. Q_Q


Yes, it seems that every time i’m in testing the server crashes :c


same xD


Would you happen to know how long it took last time to come back up? It’s difficult to test Bard out when you can’t get on the server.


I can’t seem to join right now. anyone else?


server down (in maintenance)


Alright thanks.


I think server is down right now. Can someone confirm that it is not just me?


pretty sure its down rn haven’t been having internet problems and nexus did not appear even after 30-45 seconds


Yeah I think its down too


Think server is down right now can’t join.


Anyone know when server will be back up??


Still down : /


down for anyone else rn?






Still down for me