PT: Vital Combat & Exaltations


I think I have only seen you be relentlessly negative in every thread I have noticed you posting, so I am just curious - what DO you like about the game? What are some examples of “Proper conception and execution,” in your mind? I feel like O3 and his associated minibosses (other than maybe Gemsbok) are fantastic and engaging fights. I think that mbc is as well, at least when you don’t have people constantly healing you through it.

I think Cem is honestly a pretty decent dungeon after the rework and increased drop rates (one of the most worthwhile ones to solo or duo on non-rushing characters).

I also think that requiring people to dodge massively increases engagement and long-term enjoyment. Sure, it will be a learning curve to go from face-tanking 90% of the content in the game, but my hope is that it will allow a lot of the community who has been ignoring everything non-endgame, and gain a new appreciation for some of the classic content in the game.

I, for one, am looking forward to all of it, and I am so glad that DECA is willing to move forward with such large steps towards their vision for the game.


I wholeheartedly agree, and would really like to know myself. I’ve not been too brazen to ask in the past, but considering I’ve read every single thread that has popped up since I formally joined + a sizable amount of old threads, I’ve mostly just seen negative statements about the game from you, regardless of reasoning and suggestions. Pragmatism aside, what keeps you playing? I’ve seen several others with similar viewpoints to yours leave already, some of them a while ago. Do you hope, perhaps, that the Devs will finally listen and create the perfect game as you and some others envision?

(My apologies if that sounds condescending or even like an attack. I’m legitimately curious.)


This is true. However, easier also does not automatically make it better, either. There’s a lot more to it than that, as you say.

In this example, you’re taking an already tedious dungeon (cem) and saying that making it harder wouldn’t improve it. I for one agree with you on that. However, taking this one example and then suggesting that you can plaster it all over the rest of the game is a bit of a stretch. Yes, the game will get harder with VC, but more thought has been put into it than just “hurr durr do more damage”; there are a number of rebalancing ideas and concepts that were put forward by this PT session alone, and the early game is actually being made easier for newer players.

Again, it’s not “hurr durr do more damage”; it’s “reward dodging, reduce steamrolling, decrease the inherent disparity between new players and P2Ws and make non-hp glutton builds viable again.”

You’re taking a complex issue and dumbing it down beyond all reasonability.


Ok let’s try to tackle these statements.

Are they trying to reward dodging? Absolutely. As I stated before, noobs will remain the worst at dodging.

As the developers have stated, the express purpose of the combat system was to cause more player deaths.

However, thanks to Oryx 3 we know exactly what to expect if a massive amount of deaths were to occur.

Let’s start out by stating the obvious. The introduction of Oryx 3 has killed far more players than the vital combat system ever will.

Have all these deaths due to Oryx 3 improved the health of the game? In my opinion the answer is no. I don’t see any significant influx of players in the realm doing regular stuff. If anything, the massive amounts of death due to Oryx 3 has gotten players to go on farming/rebuilding crusades with keys at their disposal.

The fact is that the elite players of the game have many characters to spare. If you are a new player, you will find it significantly harder to complete O3 than a seasoned veteran with 30 character slots. This is because an 8/8 character can farm pots faster than a level 1 character ever possibly could. Thus, I believe that the inequities between old and new players remains unchanged as a result of the update.

Regarding the steamrolling comment, I completely understand that the purpose of hp scaling is to encourage players to complete dungeons that drop from event bosses. However, we can look to Oryx 3 again. From my limited understanding, Oryx 3 has HP scaling that favors smaller groups. What we are now seeing is small groups of approximately 15 players who are steamrolling through Oryx Sanctuary.

Many players make the mistake of thinking a steamroll can only occur in large groups. That is false.

Definition of STEAMROLL (verb): to defeat or destroy an opponent completely

This is a steamroll! Lacroix in particular got absolutely destroyed. They dealt so much damage that O3 portals didn’t even spawn.

Thus, it is my firm belief that the vital combat system will push people into elitist discords (like the one in the video above) who will then optimize content by recruiting a small number of competent players. And again, noobs will be excluded from them.

To reiterate, steamrolling is not removed with these PT changes. Rather, steamrolling will be accomplished by excluding players.

On a final point non hp builds did not see any improvement on the PT at all (aside from dps builds that already exist ingame right now).


I may be getting somewhat out of topic because this is a thread about Vital combat & Exaltations, but a lot of these changes seem strongly intertwined with the future changes and what looks to be DECA’s plan…

They’re making death more common so that they can take the next step which is to make completing dungeons more rewarding in general. This isn’t just increasing death rates for the sake of it.

Of course, an old and skilled player will always have better things than a new and unskilled player, mostly in terms of equipment (but also slots/chests whether it be bought or from the daily calendar). This isn’t only about old and new players. This is also about players that are P2W and F2P players. I’m sure DECA is not nearly done bringing these two groups closer together.

Firstly, DECA has already made it so that newly made accounts can buy an extra character slot and vault chests with Fame. Next, IC/OOC nerfs pets and buffs Vit/Wis shrinking down the disparity between P2W and F2P players if they’re on the same skill level. Lastly, DECA is adding potion chests that will greatly ease maxing because you don’t have to die to be able to make use of potions. By the looks of it, DECA is also planning on improving the early-game with the dungeon reconstructions to cater to newer players. (I mean they’ve already released Ancient Ruins)

Whether or not you’re F2P or P2W, your skill is what’s rewarded. Soon the only real difference between being F2P and P2W is the ability to pick whatever class you want to play any time, and the variety of equips you can have safely stored.

I think you mean HP-scaling, not vital combat, that would be IC/OoC, not the group size. And as far as I know, they’re still finetuning the scaling because players are complaining about Voids being impossible with big numbers. If they do get change, we’ll know it’s because of player feedback.

I actually agree with this. Currently, Def-builds are still unviable because of how little Def reduces damage, nearly all bullets will trigger IC in end-game dungeons and early-game dungeons continue to be trivialized, and along with Vit-builds, are only accessible to a few classes. I’m curious on how DECA will handle this.

Oh yeah, and

It’d be great if you told us.


I can agree with this, the only way that’s being fixed is if they nerf hp gear or buff other stat gear so that all 8 stats grow at a relatively even pace, whereas T1 hp/mp rings are 10:1 with other stat rings and are well balanced, T6 hp/mp rings are 20:1 with other stat rings and completely destroy their viability, imo T6 rings should give +120/+12 respectively


They are 18:1 at the moment. Giving +120/+12 is not a bad idea but the HP ring is the biggest issue to face. Nerfing UBHP to 120 itself will cause massive backlash.

Buffing the ratio to 10:1 without touching HP/MP is the most optimal solution. Right now rainbow tiered rings are no match to a single UBHP/Deca you are right about it.


No, it’s not, that would be broke as all crap, unb def would literally give more defense than top tier robes. Even if it would cause a backlash, to properly balance tiered rings would require the direct nerfing of hp and mp rings


Hmm, lets see, a magical onyx with the specific intent of granting its wearer a tougher body to withstand more hits from enemies or a bit of magic cloth.

I don’t know man.


I understand this as well. However, seeing an exalt bonus for a >10%< increase in loot isn’t very reassuring.

I am simply offering my anecdotal experience that every time Deca has said they were buffing drop rates I never saw a big change overall.


I meant they’re first putting out these changes before meddling with the base drop-rates.


Vital combat = Resu BUFF

Enemies health scaling overhaul = more engaging fights, with more planning before dungeoneering

Status effects temporary immunity = Knight nerf maybe? And more fair debuffs, allowing boths sides to have a chance to kill eachother

Class and abilities rebalance = YES NO COOLDOWNS ON HELMS shit wait cooldown on tomes? and T-pain heal nerf and dmg buff, but still cooldown? confused T-pain noises WAIT THEY ACTUALLY THINKING ABOUT REMOVING THE SPEEDY ON TOMES?!?! DONT YOU DARE, AFTER ALL THESE HEAL NERFS AND COOLDOWNS YOU BETTER FORGET THAT RIGHT NOW oh it okay bulwark buffed

Exaltations = A new longterm goal that I wont be able to strive for until I’m white star

The General Chat Thread

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: The General Chat Thread


You are far too trusting of Deca.

In fact most of the people here are blindly trusting Deca.

Remember this?


They have misled in the past and will mislead in the future.

I will end my discussion by repeating that ultimately keys need to die for the game to be healthy. Pets are not the source of the problem. And if Deca is going to leave keys alone, they should leave pets alone as well.


Removing keys is an effective solution, only if not for the income that it generates. Wildshadow introduced keys to keep the game afloat before selling it to kabam. I would assume that keys are still a primary contributor to DECA’s income today. Keys can easily be used for the benefit of the playerbase. Keys will never die. Pets on the other hand only benefit a single user and is a very noticeable P2W aspect. Keys and pets are ultimately different things.

I already knew that Oryx’s Sanctuary would result in more discord runs. It was a result of DECA’s naivety over how discords operate and how players would utilise the runes. They were unfamiliar with realm clearing servers and likely thought that players would just pop the runes on their local servers. Not to mention there were already O3 beta discord servers performing O3 runs on testing servers. The rarity of runes combined with O3’s difficulty made players opt for discords for a higher success rate. Whilst DECA have misled, I don’t think that they have intentionally done so for such a major content addition and I don’t believe they will continually mislead as a habit.

With the constant negativity surrounding your more recent posts, I can’t help but feel you are purposefully isolating the realmeye forumers that overly disagree with your points.


It doesn’t matter whether I trust them or not. They have already made these changes first; whether or not they meddle with drop rates are up to them. I don’t appreciate the shade being thrown here when I at least try to be constructive.


Idk if anyone has proposed this but for Puri, I think it would be a good idea to add a Purification Cooldown for every player, separately, based on their last time purificated.
If there were, say, 2 priests with Puri and one of them purificated half the group, their debuffs would be removed (as expected) but if they were purificated again within (let’s say,) 10 seconds (it could be longer ofc) of their last time purified, it wouldn’t have effect on those who had been purified but it would on those who hadn’t.
This way, there wouldn’t be the problem of being purified too often and being basically immune to debuffs while also not removing the party purification that I feel is a special part of that tome and priest in general as a support class.


I wouldn’t be opposed to that, actually, but it seems that DECA might be standing by their decision. I like this the best of everything I’ve heard regarding the puri! Especially because it can also be applied to the Skull of Shaitan.


That’s a pretty neat idea imo, could function similar to debuff immunity except it would be… dedebuff immunity? Since there’s already similar concepts being used by Deca I feel it wouldn’t be too hard to implement.


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