QOL Improvements on Trading


Things I’d like to see:

-A way to flip a buy offer to a sell offer. How many times have we put the buy item in the sell slot, only to say fuck, have to start again. Because in order to flip it, you have to totally scrap the order.

-A way to copy another merchant offer, or add a merchants offer to your own list.

-A way to organize my offers in the UI, without “suspending and readding offers” or crafting “the perfect list” from the bottom up. This includes adding personal categories, like “skins” or “armor” or “t6.”

-A “go to” function in my offers list, so I don’t have to bounce back and forth between 2 tabs in order to properly price the item I’m listing.

-A search function

-A customized feed so I don’t have to see items I’ll never trade. Like T5 Nightwing Venom.

There are so many other things, I’m sure.

Does anyone else have QOL updates they’d like to see?


12-30 -I’d like to see the site changed so that you can go directly from the forum to the trading page. Even though I can click trading on the dropdown menu

12-30 -A filter or extra styling for friend or guild-only offers, so I can prioritize guildies and mates.

01-13 - 9 items shows up as “multi-window trades” even with the introduction of backpack trading


Coulda sworn you had already made this thread. Huh


he did but that ended up being a shit show


Pretty much.


Welp idk what to tell you then


I’d like to see the site changed so that you can go directly from the forum to the trading page. Even though I can click trading on the dropdown menu, clicking it doesn’t fucking do anything and its been pissing me off for so long


A filter or extra styling for friend or guild-only offers, so I can prioritize guildies and mates.


These are some great ideas, especially the first one! I’ve messed up trades way too many times from this…


i think this was just updated today, no notes on the recent changes page tho


This isn’t very important; just a minor annoyance, but it still shows trades 9 items and up as “multi-window trades” even with the introduction of backpack trading


:slight_smile: Thank you anonymous dev. I love you dearly.

In lieu of your comments and what you guys said to me the other day in the first itteration of this thread, I reached out to the realmeye dev and had explained what had happened and how poorly this thread went. I offered to pay for the development cost of getting this specific change implemented, and to find a coder to do the work. Not that it matters just thought after being told I should do the work, that you should know that I offered to.


I just want to point out again, a year after the fact, in pure douchebag fashion, that those QOL changes that I petitioned for were implemented. The only reason I am doing so is because the MAJOR backlash that I got from the community, and because I actually offered to fund it after you shit on me for not doing it myself or offering for a way for it to happen. I don’t expect praise. I just enjoy rubbing it in your faces. Thanks (mr eyeball pls dont delete QOL changes out of counter-spite they are amazing thank)


can i have a link to the old tread, that sounds like an amusing thread.


It got deleted. I’m no hero. But I put my money where my mouth is, again. And no one said a damn about it.