Quick Question plz help [ptrain discord]


How can I tell where ptrain is? How do I sign up for the discord?

PTrain (Link to discord pls)
Ptrain [What's the discord for ptrain?]
Where is Ptrain?

There’s something called #register or something, check there and read rules


Sorry to tell you but we have a lame 5000 fame req.


Ptrain = Private Train.

The idea of a private train is that it is private.

Why not just hop on a public one? I heard it’s boarding soon.


Yeah that sucks and it’s kinda unfair. I’ve been a member of the ptrain for almost 4 months and already got the trainer role, but then they kicked me out of the Discord and banned me because I couldn’t meet the requirments. How is someone supposed to get 5k fame quickly when you don’t know where the ptrain is?!


you anit on the list.


Blocked I mean, by Akalem


fame req to fame train kek


i cri everytiem still no accept me rip


You must have been incredibly annoying to have akalem block you :joy:


No, people started complaining about why I was in the ptrain if I had a T6 bow. And I told them I was helping either way and shooting all the gods and stuff but they said I wasn’t helping at all if I was using a T6 bow. So then I asked them to give me a higher tier bow and then they said they’re going to tell Akalem to remove me and yeah that’s what happened.


:thinking:seems reasonable how said situation played out. Oh and req =/= bias


What does that mean?


Does not equal


Oh I’m not that familiar with internet slang


Another admin blocked me too :’(


I didint block you… BTW I’m Jason.

You got banned and you can’t send message to people that you do not share a server with.


Oh hi Jason. Can you please remove some players that are breaking the rules?


I read through it and instead banned you.


Why was I banned?