Quick Stat Calculator


Want to know the exact effect your stats have on your character, but too lazy to pull out a calculator? I have a spreadsheet for you!

Quick Stat Calculator

All feedback is welcome :slight_smile: Also, if anyone knows how to make a Google Sheet that’s editable, but doesn’t save changes, let me know :relaxed:


Perfect! So many useful things bring rolled out lol, should’ve been here long time ago :wink:

Do you happen to have a “roll” sheet? Some players memorize the avg at each level but not me xd.

Every time I roll characters, I’d really like to know how I’m doing at, lvl 15 for example.


You may want to add this to the post to show people how to do this.
Leave it as view only, then people can go to file>make a copy. Make sure “My Drive” or any folder on your google drive is selected and it will save a copy to your drive. Open this copy (it should open automatically but if not, just go to your drive). You can then play with the numbers however you like, and it will only show up on your personal document.


Oh, cool! I have this one as editable with only a few fields able to be modified, but I’ll definitely put this in for my other charts if people want to play around with them :slight_smile: Thank you!


Every class gains 20 to 30 Hp per level. That’s the only thing you really need to remember.


But that involves math, knowing the base hp and adding 25 * lvls gained :c.

That’s why I want Lucy to have a thing where you type “lvl 16 assassin” and it outputs the avg stats for a lvl 16 assassin.

Oh I guess mreyeball has the /stats command but then you have to leave the train.


All robes have 575 Hp and all heavy armors 675 Hp on average.

Leather armors are a bit trickier. Can never remember which ones are 605 and which are 625.


Bows are 605, Daggers and Katanas are 625 c:

@Uniqourn working on an overly complicated spreadsheet for it now! I can’t code unfortunately- but for anyone who can, free idea!


I feel like it would take less time to think:
“16-1= 15 levels gained, 15 x 25 = 12 x25 +3x 25 which is 300+75=375 hp gained, and 375+150= 525


Hey Google, what are the stats of an avg lvl 16 assassin?


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