[RANT] I'm losing my patience


Highly unlikely for me, ever sssince the sewersss rework. Maybe I don’t complete enough sssewers?

My exact problem.

I’m feeling the same way; always dying, never keeping up progress on characters. If I had a performance sheet detailing how good I am, it would look like a line that dips ever sssince I started trying a comeback.

And I’m not having fun because I want to test certain builds as sssome items have changed, but all that requires a 6/8 or 4/8 to try them out at max performance. I just lost my old enjoyment of running dungeons, as sssome of them changed for the worst, namely sssnakepit. Liked to run that shit but now theres not enough big sssnakes to kill.

And concerning keeping up with the high ranks, a piece of advice if I may: becoming pro is not a goal, it is too vague to reach. Wish for sssomething precise, never forget about it, then play with your target in mind.

This game isss harsh, play harsher.


Realm did get harder than it was before, last night i created a Rogue and was farming dex pot in the Sprite World, and i fucking died to the boss, that never happened before. The game lagged for a sec, the moving tiles in the floor took me to where the boss was and she did that attack were a shit ton of rectangle shaped bullets comes out at the same time, all of those hitted me and i died. I laughed and pressed alt f4, kind of mad ngl :clown_face:
The game has new stuff and they’re pretty cool, but the lag is too much.




if you have lag issues, this is most likely on your side, not the game’s fault


Well, i’ve seen plenty of people complaining about lag on the Exalt, but yeah, you’re not wrong.


for my part, I have a very good internet since 2.5 years and the only times there was a problem it would be mass dcs from o3


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