Rare Potions?


Hello, u guys know the hp pots with like numbers after em? Well i found a guy who had 6! I did an interview with him about it!

also @Scorchmist tried to buy em early on i think


Dan :Hello sir
Awe: Hello
Dan: is it true you have the rare pots
Awe: sure
Dan: may we see them in front of the camera
Awe: my keyborad is broke
Awe: wtf
Awe: ehm wtf
Dan: what’s going on
Awe: the way I’m typing Capa and no caps
Dan: ah
Dan: may we see the pots (1:11 pots first seen)
Dan: what rare pots
Dan: how much are these worth sir
Awe: 100 deca rings
Dan: that’s a lot of deca rings
Awe: I’m gonna go fix my keyborad mate
Dan: thanks for the interview with oryx news

Made this because it was hard to read certain things at certain points

I’d like to know where he got them it’s a little suspicious to have all those and in order 1-6


I think @otherbill has one


wait i have 2 what


How much can i pay for one


I have seen them and have no clue what they are. WTF do they even drop from? Oh, and nice interview! I like how you started with “Hello sir.”


Etherite + pixie + 5 life for this?


its not i tried to buy them early, its just that i was bored and wanted them as a collectors item, and hoped that real collectors didnt show up so i could buy it cheaper, and earn a profit if i wanted to resell it when i got bored


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